800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

January 14, 2022 – Minutes

Members in attendance:                                                        Members Absent:


Nicole Svee Magann                                                               Ryan Romero (Parent)

Teachers:                                                                                Rochelle Griffin (Parent), Secretary

Michelle Erb, Vice-Chair


Hollie Parry, Chair

Mindi Nielsen

Kimberly Tillotson


Conducting: Michelle Erb, Vice-Chair

Meeting Minutes: Hollie Parry, Chair



  1. Check in
  • We do an opening check-in to model wellness check-ins that are done in Morning Meetings with students.


  1. Approve November Notes
Motion to approve: Hollie Parry Second: Michelle Erb
Unanimously approved by members present  


  1. PTA News
  • Idle-Free Week (Jan. 19-21) by student council.
  • Spirit Week Fund-Raiser (Jan 19-22) Papa Johns
  • April: PTA Fundraiser. Looking for donations of goods/services for our Silent Auction.
  1. Principal News
  • Keep your eye on Covid Updates from the District
  • Jan. 18 is Remote Learning Day
  • We anticipate that we will be back in school on Wednesday.
  • Test to stay has been discontinued in schools.
  • 170 kids absent from Altara on Thursday, January 13.
  1. Reading Inventory Scores
  • We will do Acadience Testing-the end of January through February 3.
  • RI scores for 4th We made good growth as a school. For the Winter Inventory, most students made progress.
  • Growth Reports for RI are in the Fall and the Winter.
  1. Assembly

The SCC Chair and the PTA president supported Nicole in having the first assembly in school in 2 years.  The grades were split into 2 times (upper grades/lower grades).  Nicole reported that the students loved the assembly!!

  1. We hired a new interventionist.
  2. Budget

TSSP-$32,000 spent

We will use money in the budget for social worker salary, a new extension aide for Kindergarten, and for 20 more hours a week for planning time for the current interventionists.

  1. Safe Walking Routes
  • Our school boundaries are basically a square. (10600 S to 11400 S/700 E to 1300 E).
  • Community Concerns
    • Sandy Creek Crossing-We have asked for a crossing guard in the past and will continue to ask for a crossing guard on this street. There are children who cross in front of this street which can have heavy traffic when school is starting and ending.
    • The breezeway on Hawkwood. A parent would like this marked.
    • We have a concern with the development going in the apple orchard location on 700 E. When the development is completed we will have students walking on this sidewalk in front of outgoing traffic of that housing development.
Motion to Approve: Hollie Parry Second: Michelle Erb
Motion passed by all attending members unanimously.  


Meeting Adjourned.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org