800 East 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Miss Fielding Monday Minute – May 28, 2024

Dear Families,
 Today is the last Monday Minute of the school year–on a Tuesday!   I want to share my sincere gratitude to have been here at Altara this year.  This is a wonderful community, and I have appreciated all the support you give our school.  Thank you!

Thank you, PTA!

Our PTA has been incredible this past year and provided so many great activities for our students.  We appreciate it!  And thank you to the many volunteers that step in to make these activities possible, including the fun Field Day coming up on Thursday.  We have the best PTA!  

Next Year’s Schedule

Next year the school day will lengthen by 10 minutes on Monday-Thursday. Friday’s schedule will not change, and the start time will not change.  When school resumes in the fall, our morning and afternoon bells will ring at:

Monday-Thursday—8:25-3:15 pm

Friday—8:25-1:25 pm

Next year’s staffing

For the 2024-25 school year are several changes in our teaching staff.  Ms. Weber, kindergarten teacher, is moving to Texas.  Senor Fernando and Senora Vinuesa will be returning to Spain. These teachers have been great here at Altara and will be missed!  There are also several grade changes.  Here is a list of teachers and the grades they will be teaching next year.  The names in red are teachers new to our school.

Peyton Dahlmeier
Michelle Platt
Heather Sullivan
Joanna Young
1st Grade
Samantha Bilbow   DLI
Andres Laureano     DLI
Rebecca Huot
Joyce Park
Michelle Veazie
2nd Grade
Laurie ann Lauzo   DLI
Kris Larson  
Wendy Westwood
Lorie Easter DLI
3rd Grade
Michelle Erb DLI
Solange Rivas  DLI
Pat Denning
Marcy Hadean  
4th Grade
Clifford Lowe   DLI
Elena Lascorz  DLI
Jayne Eckholdt
Sue Wiggins
5th Grade
Nora Vila  DLI
Avery Alger DLI
Katherine Smith  
Jill Glazier

Field Day 

We are excited about the annual Field Day for grades 1st-5th on the last day of school.  Please reach out if you are available and can help the morning of May 30th.  It will be 9:00-10:15 for the younger grades and then 10:45-12:00 for the older grades.   

We are planning on having the fire truck come and spray water that last 30 minutes of the day.  Students can choose to get in the water zone and get sprayed if they would like.   We won’t be coming into the building after that, so be prepared for your child to be wet as they go home that day. Please send your students on Thursday with a water bottle, sunscreen, and in clothes that can get wet.  A couple of the Field Day stations will have water activities.

Clap-out for 5th graders

We will be celebrating our 5th graders as they leave Altara Elementary on May 30th, the last day of school.  We will do a clap-out at 8:45 that morning.  Parents are welcome to come and watch that if they want to.  It will be short—maybe 5ish minutes—so don’t feel obligated to attend.  The 5th graders will walk through the halls amidst the clapping and cheering from all the other students and teachers.  It will be one last chance to walk the halls of their elementary school.   Parents are welcome to line the halls in the front hallway for this short event.


Are you planning to volunteer for our Field Day?   Canyons School District requires all volunteers to get a background check every year.  If you wait until you arrive at the school ready to volunteer, you may be too late, leaving the activity short-staffed.   Please take care of this ahead of time.  We love our volunteers and never want to turn anyone away.   Thanks!  

Parent Volunteer application link:    https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 

 School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 
 Instagram:  altaraelementary
 Facebook: Altara Elementary School
 Upcoming Dates

May 10th—All library books are dueng

May  29th—Dance Festival for grades 1st-5th; 9:00—9:35 outside on the blacktop;  bring a camp chair to sit on and enjoy dances from all the grades.   There’s no need to check-in inside.  Just head straight to the southeast playground area.  There will be cones marking the performance area.  You can set up your chairs on the south, east, and north sides of the area.  Students will be entering the space from the west side.  

May 29th—Report cards will be going home

May 30th—Last day of school for 1st-5th grades.  School will dismiss at 12:25 and no meals will be served that day.   Students will participate in Field Day that day.  Contact the PTA if you can help volunteer!

Aug. 15th—Back to school night; 4:30-6:00; Open House

Aug. 19th—First day of school for all grades; kindergarten will attend half days the first week
 Have a great day!
 Julie Fielding, Principal
 Altara Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org