800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Miss Fielding Monday Minute – May 13, 2024

Dear Families,
 Thank you so much for the many letters and gifts of gratitude to our staff as we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week last week.  PTA brought treats every day and provided a lunch as well.  We have the best community!

PTA News

Thank you for all of your generous donations to the fundraiser. We met our goal!! Congratulations to Sra. Vinuesa’s fifth grade class for bringing in the most money-they’ll be able to celebrate with a class party. We will also be doing the 100s club party this week during school-those students will be called down from class for a celebration. Thank you again!! Altara would not be what it is without this amazing community!!

Field Day 

We are excited about the annual Field Day for grades 1st-5th on the last day of school.  Kindergarten will do their own Field Day on their last day.  PTA is looking for lots of volunteers to help staff that last day activity.  Please reach out if you are available and can help the morning of May 30th.   

We are planning on having the fire truck come and spray water the last 30 minutes of the day.  Students can choose to get in the water zone and get sprayed if they would like.   We won’t be coming into the building after that, so be prepared for your child to be wet as they go home that day.   We hope it’s good weather!

We will also be celebrating our 5th graders as they leave Altara Elementary on May 30th.  We will do a clap-out at 8:45 that morning.  Parents are welcome to come and watch that if they want to.   It will be short—maybe 5ish minutes—so don’t feel obligated to attend.  The 5th graders will walk through the halls amidst the clapping and cheering from all the other students and teachers.  It will be one last chance to walk the halls of their elementary school.  Parents are welcome to line the halls in the front hallway for this short event.

 School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 
 Instagram:  altaraelementary
 Facebook: Altara Elementary School
 Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 
 Upcoming Dates

May 6th—May 17th—RISE testing for grades 3rd-5th 

May 10th—All library books are due

May 16th—4th Grade Field Trip to Clark Planetarium

May 17th—Last day to sign up for kindergarten KEEP testing

May 17th—SCC Meeting; 2:00; All are welcome!

May 21st—3rd Grade Field Trip to This Is the Place

May 23rd—Last day of school for kindergarten students; Field Day for kindergarten students

May 23rd—2nd grade Field Trip to Clark Planetarium

May 23rd—4th Grade Field Trip to the Utah State Capitol Buildings

May 24th, 28th, & 29th—KEEP testing appointments for kindergarten students

May 27th—Memorial Day; no school

May  29th—Dance Festival for grades 1st-5th; 9:00—9:30 outside on the blacktop;  bring a camp chair to sit on and enjoy dances from all the grades.   (If your family will be at the Alta High School graduation this morning, please reach out for an alternate time to come and watch.)

May 30th—Last day of school for 1st-5th grades.  School will dismiss at 12:25 and no meals will be served that day.   Students will participate in Field Day that day.  Contact the PTA if you can help volunteer!
 Have a great day!
 Julie Fielding, Principal
 Altara Elementary

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org