Members in Attendance:
Katie Atkinson
Chelsea Osborne
Heather Sullivan
Marcy Hadean
Amy Carlin
Nicole Magann
Katie Hart
Mindi Nielsen
Karissa Gardner
Topics brought up for discussion and their resolution:
- Box Top Coordinator-Kylie Toone
- Mindi Nielsen to be President Elect (possible)
- Clean Air Week: Want to do a permanent banner, school funded. Then PTA can fund 3 small banners for the student winners. Chalk to be taken out of PTA Supply budget, can use for teacher appreciation and field day.
- Dads and Donuts-January 21. Magician booked, Alex sending out flyers and will post to member hub and socials.
- Kindness Week: Mindi will update when we have more info. Can incorporate the PTA Charity (Hawk Store)
- February 18-PTA Day at the Capitol-Cindy and Katie A. to attend, can go to see how it all works, how bills are passed, what legislature is talking about.
- PTA Nominating Committee- meeting January 24 at 2:40 Wendi, Erika Brendle, Taryn Jessen, Ruthanne Sobieski, Glazier and Hadean.
- Classic Skating Night/Spirit nights-Amy/Karissa
- Teacher appreciation week-Karissa-will figure out theme and get info out.
- PTA Charity-Alta Hawk Pantry