Altara SCC Meeting April 23, 2021 – FINAL MEETING
Meeting Minutes: 2:00 pm- 2:45 pm
Hollie Parry- Parent
Katie Atkinson- Parent
Katie Hart- Parent
Cindy Boyer- Parent
Kimberly Tillotson – Parent
Nicole Magann- Principal
Michelle Erb- Teacher
Cynthia Rowley- Teacher
Joyce Park- Teacher
Mindi Neilsen- PTA President
1. Circle Check-in
2. Approve March Minutes
3. PTA News
4. Principal News
5. Budget Review
6. Next year SCC Board
7. May Meeting
● March Meeting Notes – APPROVED
○ Motion- Joyce Park
○ 2nd- Hollie Parry
● PTA News
○ Teacher appreciation Week, 1st week in May
■ Will be having a parade celebrating teachers that Friday
○ Biz Town will be done at the school and called Kitty City
■ Monica Fowler has put a mini version of Biz Town together for our 5th graders
■ 5th grade teachers are helping and will be asking for parent help
○ Supporting Field Day
○ 5th Grade clap out/graduation & gift
○ One last Spirit Night with Pier 49 May 13th
● Principal News
○ Planning Field Day
○ Volunteers have been coming back into school
○ Rise Testing has started
○ Working on Biz Town
○ The district is offering a 3 week summer school for those kids who need extra help
■ Not offered to everybody, will determine after benchmark testing
■ For ELA & Math
○ Benchmark testing will be May 12th & 13th
● Budget Review
○ Everything is on track
○ TSSP: would like to use $1500 of the $3k available to go towards a new positive behavior program:
■ Comes with good reviews from other schools that have been using it.
■ Renewal cost is estimated to be $1200-$1300/ year
■ Motion to approve: Hollie Parry
■ 2nd: Joyce Park
■ All approved
● Next Years SCC Board:
○ Elections will be in August, information will be sent out about it as it gets closer.
○ 3 positions open
○ Talked about possibly providing a parking spot for SCC Chair
● May SCC Meeting
○ Motion to NOT have a May meeting: Michelle Erb
○ 2nd : Joyce Park
○ All Approved