Dear Parents, Thank you so much for all the food donations to the Utah Food Bank! We truly appreciate your generosity. Staffing Changes We have two more recent staffing changes to announce: Mrs. Christensen, behavior assistant, finished her time with us last FridaySenora Vila, 5th grade Spanish teacher, has her last day todayWe wish both educators great success in their new endeavors and appreciate their contributions to Altara Elementary. They have both been fabulous and will be missed.Jose Cortez was hired as the new behavior assistant and will be starting this weekWe are working to fill the 5th grade position, and will have a substitute until a permanent candidate is available Choose Kindness We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara. Trygve Carlson (3rd grade) Trygve loves to help his classmates when they don’t know a word in Spanish. He approaches them and encourages them to communicate ideas in Spanish. He is very sweet and kind. Adeline Nelson (3rd grade) Addie was very kind with her classmates because she helps them to find the answers on their papers and helps with words in Spanish. She is trying to get all her group teams on task in a kind way! Bennett Manwaring (2nd grade) Bennett is such a great partner to anyone he’s assigned to. Arturo Castanon Lugo (2nd grade) Arturo helped the substitute put everything away at the end of the day. Carter McGrath (2nd grade) Carter is a great example of how to be kind and helpful to others! Lukas Hatch (2nd grade) Lukas is very kind and is always saying “thank you” to others and his teachers. Camila Lopez (2nd grade) Camila is kind to others. She helps keep the classroom organized and clean by cleaning up her supplies and helping others. Samantha Law (4th grade) Sammy is always kind to her classmates and teachers. Emily Higham (kindergarten) Emily looks to others who need to feel loved and smiles at them. This makes the friends in our class happy. PTA News This week is all about kindness! Each day features a new spirit day challenge to help show your support for being kind to others. A flyer with a Kindness Bingo Challenge was sent home last week. Once you’ve completed a “Bingo,” bring the flyer to the main office for a special prize! If you didn’t receive a flyer, you can view it here. We also have a special Kindness Assembly planned for this Thursday at 1:30pm. The PTA will be distributing a sweet treat after the assembly. The Altara Swag Shop is now open! Show your support for our KittyHawks by grabbing an Altara T-shirt, sweatshirt, or zip hoodie for you and your student. Youth and adult sizes are available. Place your order through Givebacks here. All orders will be delivered to your student’s classroom within 2 weeks. Mark your calendars!! Our Annual Fundraiser will be May 2nd 5-7:30pm. We have a fun evening planned of activities, food, raffles, silent auction and entertainment! More on this to come! If you, or anyone you know, would be willing to donate towards our Silent Auction (activities, gift cards, products or services), please remit your questions and donations to Taelor Boggs – This month’s Spirit Night will be February 19th ALL DAY at Swig in Draper. We’ve surpassed our $1000 goal with Box Tops!! How high can we go!? Keep scanning those receipts and let’s see whose next month winner will be! Ms. Veazie’s 1st Grade class is leading the month with Ms. Bilbow’s class in close second place. School Website: Instagram: altaraelementary Parent Volunteer application link: Upcoming Dates Feb. 3rd-14th—Window open to schedule an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher during Parent Teacher Conferences. See Parent Square message on 1/31/25 for directions on how to sign up. Feb. 14th—Valentine’s Day Class Parties—Please sign up on the volunteer application link listed above if you are helping this day. Feb. 19th—Spirit Day at Swig for the whole day Feb. 24th & 26th—Parent Teacher conference days Feb 24th & 26th—Book Fair; 3-7pm Feb. 25th—Book Fair; 3-4pm Feb. 27th—Early out day on a Thursday; 1:25 Feb. 28th—No School; Compensation Day for teachers Feb. 28th—Last day to declare interest in half-day kindergarten for next fall March 13th—Canyoneering Night at Indian Hills Middle School March 20- McDonald’s spirit night 5-7pm March 28th—Kindergarten Orientation; 2:00 Have a great day! Julie Fielding, PrincipalAltara Elementary For those who have a student entering Kindergarten next fall: Kindergarten enrollment and registration If you have a child turning 5 years old by Sept. 1st, 2025, they will be entering kindergarten next fall. The window to enroll your child ends on Feb. 28th. Families must first enroll their student (a one-time event), and then annually must register their students. Registration usually happens around August 1st. We are doing the enrollment process now. Please log into Skyward and go to New Student Enrollment. Fill out the information for your new student who will be starting kindergarten next year. We are planning to have Kindergarten Orientation on Friday, March 28, 2025 at 2:00 here at Altara. This will give you and your child a chance to meet the teachers and hear about what to expect in kindergarten.If you have a neighbor or friend that you know has a child this age, please let them know the process. Here’s a link for families who don’t already have Skyward access to start the enrollment process: If you want your student to participate in a half-day kindergarten experience, please let the principal know by Feb. 28th. |