800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

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Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

SCC Minutes 2.7.25

 SCC Meeting Agenda for February 7, 2025 SCC Members Role Present 
Mike Adams Parent 
Paul Mayer Parent 
Rochelle Griffin Parent 
Katie Esplin Parent 
Kristen Romero Parent 
Cassie Smith Parent 
Julie Fielding Principal 
Michell Erb 3rd grade Teacher 
Michelle Platt Kindergarten Teacher 
Sol Rivas 3rd grade Teacher 

 Agenda Items: 

1. Approve last meeting’s minutes a. SCC Meeting Minutes 1.10.25 – Altara Elementary 

b. Michelle Erb moves to approve 

c. Paul Mayer Second 

2. Follow up items a. TSSP – Final report for previous year’s plan due January 27 i. Julie submitted it to state and district 

3. TSSP and LAND Trust plans a. TSSP plan and LAND Trust for next school year- Due April 12 i. We don’t know if we have achieved this year’s goal (we will know in May) 

ii. Feel good to move forward with 80% of students reaching benchmark for next year as well 1. Some discussion of which tests to use for next year 

2. Some discussion of do we move to a fluency goal for reading 

3. Math composite score is what will be used for math as well 

iii. School climate goal seems to have been met. We will need to set a new goal based on building relationships 1. Possibilities a. How many kindness awards are being handed out 

b. Number of postcards that are sent home 

c. Feedback 4:1 ratio for each student 

d. Number of home visits if funding is available 

iv. Continue bulk of funding to aides, interventionists, social worker. Money also goes to supplies for pd, rewards, subs for teacher trainings, ST math digital program 

4. Mid-year Acadience assessments a. Reviewed preliminary report of scores 

b. Each grade has met and discussed goals and interventions that can be done 

5. Enrollment projections for next year 

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