800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Monday Minute 3.25.2025

Dear Parents,

We are planning to hold an evacuation drill today at 3:00.   You may see us outside lined up if you are early for pick up.  Be assured that we are just practicing an emergency drill and will be evacuating and then returning to our classrooms before dismissal.  Thanks!  

Choose Kindness 

We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara.  

Josie Smith (2nd grade) Josie is kind to both the teacher and her classmates. She is a great example of what kindness looks like.

Steven Green (2nd grade) Steven is always willing to help out a classmate.

Logan Valdez (2nd grade) Logan is always happy, and he sometimes shares his recess snack with others.

Jaxin Engberg (kindergarten) Jaxin is saying kind works like please and thank you.

Ben Weiler (2nd grade) Ben is always willing to help others out with math problems.

Mason Petersen (2nd grade) Mason is kind to others. He listens in class and is helpful. Thanks for following the school rules.

PTA News

Wow! A huge THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for Spirit Night at McDonald’s. Thanks to your support, Altara earned an incredible $1,000! This was one of our most successful Spirit Nights ever, and we couldn’t have done it without you. 

Mark your calendars!! Our Annual Fundraiser will be May 2nd 5-7:30pm. We have a fun evening planned of activities, food, prizes, silent auction and entertainment! This year we will have a HOME GROWN section! Whether you’re crafty, artsy, like to build or bake, we’d love to have your item showcased.   If you, or anyone you know, would be willing to donate towards our Silent Auction (activities, gift cards, products or services), please remit your questions and donations to Taelor Boggs – taelorsaxtong8@gmail.com

Box Tops Stats: Mrs. Erb’s class has taken the lead with 232 Box Tops! Mrs. Eckholdts class is in second place with 154 box tops this month! Download the Box Tops app and be sure to select your teacher when you scan your receipts! 

Join Team Bravo – Volunteer to bring a special treat for our Teachers and StaffSign Up Here!

Join PTA and help support the many activities we provide throughout the year. Join PTA

Join our PTA Volunteer List and help the magic happen! Volunteer Here!

School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 

Instagram:  altaraelementary

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 

Upcoming Dates

March 28th—Kindergarten Orientation; 2:00 pm

April 2nd—5th grade field trip to Biztown

April 2nd—4th grade field trip to Clark Planetarium

April 3rd—4th grade field trip to the Utah State Capitol

April 7th-11th—Spring Break; No school

April 15th—5th grade field trip to Mt. Jordan Middle School to watch their play

April 18th—SCC meeting; 2:00; All are welcome!

April 22nd & 23rd—School Choir performance of “Wizard of Oz” in the gym at 7:00 pm

May 1st-16th —RISE testing window for grades 3rd-5th

May 2nd—PTA Fundraiser Event 5-7:30 pm

Have a great day!  

Julie Fielding, Principal

Altara Elementary

Fifth-Grade Students, Parents Invited to Maturation Programs

Canyons District’s popular maturation program proves that, while growing up can be hard, talking about it needn’t be. 

Each year, CSD sponsors an informational program for fifth-grade students and their parents with the aim of providing consistent, sensitive and approved health and maturation instruction districtwide. All girls and boys presentations are conducted by Carrie Ann Kemp, a professional speaker who has been educating and entertaining young audiences, and their parents, for nearly 25 years. 

Eight presentations have been scheduled from March 11 through April 2, 2025. Families may attend the presentation that best fits their schedule. Parents are advised to leave younger siblings at home. 

Spanish interpreters will be available at the Midvale Middle location. 

2025 Program Schedule

Albion Middle, 2755 Newcastle Dr., Sandy

Thursday, March 27 — Boys Program, 6-6:45 p.m. 

Thursday, March 27 — Girls Program, 7-8 p.m. 

Mount Jordan Middle, 9351 Mountaineer Ln, Sandy

Wednesday, April 2 — Boys Program, 6-6:45 p.m. 

Wednesday, April 2 — Girls Program, 7-8 p.m.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org