800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

PTA’s Flashback Fundraiser – April 29th

Altara’s Fundraiser is in full swing! Watch for pledge envelopes and flyers to come home shortly. Our big event ’80s Dance Party with food trucks and silent auction will be Friday, April 29th from 5pm-7pm.

Help up meet our goal of $20,000! There are three ways to donate; online, cash, or check. Every envelope returned will be your entry into our prize raffle!

Get your ’80s attire ready to go!

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org