Family Notification and Policy
The school will adopt a tiered series of notifications for students who are missing an increasing number of school days. The school will use a variety of communication measures (emails, letters, phone calls, and in person meetings) to connect with parents. The communications will occur as students miss two, five, seven, or ten days of school.

To excuse an absence, please call the office at 801-826-7675, preferably the morning of the absence, and bring a doctor’s note whenever possible.
Notification Plan
2 Days- Phone Call – Parent will receive a phone call from the school indicating that the student has missed two days of school. The caller will inquire if the student (using students name) is doing okay, express concern, and ask what the school can do to support the student making up work and not falling behind.
5 Days- Phone Call and Letter/Email – Parent will receive a phone call and letter from the school explaining that the student has missed five days of school and reminding the parent of the importance of regular school attendance. The parent will be encouraged to meet with the son or daughter’s counselor to discuss attendance issues.
7 Days- Phone Call, Certified Letter, and Meeting – Parent will receive a phone call from the school informing them that their son or daughter has missed seven days of school. A certified letter will be sent home from the school requiring that the parent meet with the school’s principal to discuss supports that can be provided to facilitate improved attendance as part of an “attendance contract.”
10 Days- Home/School Appointment – The school principal and counselor will conduct a home visit to the meet with the student’s parents, assess barriers to school attendance, and develop a plan to improve the student’s attendance.
Unexcused Absence: The student is absent and the parent does not contact the school by 3 PM the day of the absence.
Guardian Excused Absence: The student is absent and the parent contacts the school by 3 PM the day of the absence. *Guardian Excused Absences are not valid in court.
Excused Absence: The student is absent and a doctor’s note is given to the school. *Excused Absences are valid in court.
Tardy: The student is not in the classroom ready to learn when the 8:30 AM bell rings.
Educational Leave: Students may be granted up to 10 days of scheduled absences preapproved by the principal, work is collected from the teacher, completed, and turned in within a reasonable amount of time. Forms available in the office.