Monday Minute 3.25.2025
Dear Parents, We are planning to hold an evacuation drill today at 3:00. You may see us outside lined up if you are early

Monday Minute 3.17.25
Dear Parents, Thanks PTA and everyone who contributed pies for our staff on Pi Day last Friday. We appreciate you! Don’t forget that next

Monday Minute 3.10.2025
Dear Parents, Spring Pictures are coming up this Friday. This picture opportunity is prepaid ONLY. The photographers will not take pictures of students unless they have

Monday Minute 3.3.2025
Dear Parents, Thank you for coming to Parent Teacher conferences last week! We appreciate working with you on behalf of your children and their education.

Monday Minute 2.24.25
Dear Parents, I want to give a shout out to our PTA and community for setting up meals for our conference nights that go quite

Monday Minute 2.17.25
Dear Parents, We are looking forward to seeing you at our Parent Teacher Conferences next week. Because we have many classrooms who split their day