Monday Minute 10.22.24
Dear Parents, This week is Red Ribbon Week! At school, students will be participating in activities and discussions that highlight the importance of staying drug

Monday Minute 10.14.24
Dear Parents, This week is a short week because of Fall Break. There is no school on Thursday or Friday. This Wednesday is a full

Monday Minute 10.7.24
Dear Parents, Thanks for your help with Career Day! It was a great morning last Friday. We appreciate your support! Digital Citizenship Week in CSD

Monday Minute 9.30.24
Dear Parents, Thanks for coming to conferences last week! We appreciate meeting with parents and partnering in your child’s education. We also are truly grateful

Monday Minute Dear Parents, We look forward to seeing our parents in the building this week with conferences! Don’t forget the Book Fair is open

Monday Minute 9.16.24
Monday Minute Dear Parents,Altara will be starting a Box Top program soon. Watch for a flyer to come home with instructions on how to participate. You