Teacher of the Year – Ms. Erb

Congratulations to Altara’s Teacher of the Year, Michelle Erb! She is a fabulous 5th grade teacher who is loved by all her students, faculty and parents! She’s funny, she’s happy,

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Virtual Learning Day

There is no in person school Friday, March 25th. Please see individual teachers for assignments, office hours, and other information necessary for this day. See you Monday!

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Kindness Week: March 14-18

March 14-18 is Kindness Week Wear each color to help remember to spread kindness to others! Monday – “make a change” wear red Tuesday – “be kind to your teacher”

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Compensatory Day – No School

Thank you to those who have met and who are planning to meet with your child(ren)’s teachers. We are thankful for the amazing community and parent involvement here at Altara. 

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Upcoming Events

Monday September 23

All Day
3:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Flu Shot Clinic

Wednesday September 25

All Day
3:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Flu Shot Clinic

Thursday September 26

All Day
Early Out - Students Dismissed at 1:25pm

Friday September 27

All Day
No School - Comp Day

Friday October 4

All Day
Career Day
Early Out - Students Dismissed at 1:25pm
Recurs weekly

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org