800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Monday Minute

Dear Parents,

We look forward to seeing our parents in the building this week with conferences!  Don’t forget the Book Fair is open 3 days this week, and the Flu shot clinic is open the Monday and Wednesday as well.  See the attachments about the Book Fair.  

Thursday is an early out day.  The dismissal bell will ring at 1:25.  This happens on only two Thursdays during the year—the two weeks of Parent Teacher Conferences.  

Career Day

Friday, October 4th from 8:45 – 10:00 AM is our Altara Career Day!

We are asking for 6 more volunteers to speak about their careers, so come share your expertise with our students!  Volunteers can be parents, guardians, grandparents, or friends of the family.  This is a community event!

            Click or visit the link https://cnyns.org/3Uo7s9x for more information and to sign-up

            Thanks for your support. We look forward to seeing you there!

Digital Device Policy

Our digital device policy has changed just slightly.  Both of our feeder schools—Alta High School and Indian Hills Middle School—have adjusted their policies this year as well.  Here is what Altara has in place for digital devices:

Our policy is that digital devices cannot be used during the school day.  Cell phones stay in backpacks all day, and while watches can stay on students’ wrists, they cannot be used for messaging or gaming/playing with during the school day.  

  1. If used incorrectly, teachers will ask students to put the watch or cell phone in their backpack the first time and message parents that you have done so.  
  2. The second offense, teachers will send the device to the front office to keep until end of day when the student can pick it up, also messaging parents that it is the second offense.  
  3. On the third offense, teachers will send the device to the office, and the principal will call the parent and come up with a plan to solve the concern.

Teachers have been asked to work with students who need to contact parents.  There are phones in every classroom, and if the student needs help calling, the office staff is available to support that.  We hope to improve student interactions, problem solving, and focus.  Thank you!

Choose Kindness 

We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara.  Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Lani Casson (4th grade) Lani was willing to help another student with their math test login.

Alphonse Deaver (1st grade) Alphonse is always a willing and kind door holder.

Sophie Taylor (kindergarten) Sophie is always watching for ways to be kind. She helped me put away markers after an art activity.

Ginger Evans (kindergarten) Ginger loves to smile at her friends. She makes others feel happy.

Owen Wetzel (5th grade) For always helping others and being compassionate to everyone around you. Your warm heart makes our classroom a better place for everyone. Gracias!

Justin Lei (2nd grade) Justin was very helpful in art class. He helped classmates finish an art project.

Elias Woods (1st grade) Elias helped a friend who got hurt at recess.

Charles Alvarado (4th grade) He volunteered to take the cooler with students’ lunches at Camp Tracy.

Emma Nelson (2nd grade) Emma has been super kind and helpful to another student who was absent.

Art Haven

An after-school art program is starting up at Altara next month.  It costs $125 for 7 weeks of classes going from Oct. 2nd-Nov. 20th on Wednesdays.  A flyer was sent out with information on how to register.  Students from grades K-5 can participate, with a 24-student limit on the class.

School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 

Instagram:  altaraelementary

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 

Upcoming Dates

Sept. 23rd & 25th—Parent/Teacher Conferences

Flu shot clinic at Altara the two evenings of conferences;  3:30-7:00

The Book Fair is also open these two evenings of conferences:  3:15-7:30

Sept. 24th—Book Fair open from 3:15-4:00

Sept 26th—Early out day; dismissal at 1:25

Sept. 27th—Compensatory Day; no school

Oct. 2nd—5th grade Field Trip to Hale Center Theater

Oct. 4th—Career Day

Oct. 11th—Hearing Screening

Oct 14th—Digital Citizenship Week

Oct. 17th-18th—Fall Break; No school

Oct. 21st—Teacher Professional Day; No school

Have a great day!  

Julie Fielding, Principal

Altara Elementary

PTA News

Each year, the Altara PTA provides ‘Spirit’ t-shirts FREE of charge to our students and teachers. Please follow this link and provide the shirt size for your student(s). https://forms.gle/uDuwTm3kJprt74PYA  We kindly request that your T-Shirt order form be completed no later than 09/27. 

Book Fair has begun!! Come check out all the new and exciting books and accessories located in the Gym and support our Altara students and teachers! Each child will receive a $2 credit to use at the BookFair during their Parent Teacher Conference. The Book Fair will be open Monday 9/23 from 3-7pm, Tuesday 9/24 from 3-4pm and Wednesday 9/25 from 3-7pm. Come support our students and teachers and shop at the Book Fair! 

Altara has started a Box Top program to earn money for our school!  A flyer was sent home with instructions on how to participate.  You no longer need to cut off Box Tops from certain grocery items. Now there is an app to scan your receipt, and it finds the appropriate items that count towards the program. Download the app and start scanning your receipts! https://boxtops4education.com/s/ We appreciate your support!

We’d like to thank all those that volunteered to help support our teachers with dinner during Parent Teacher Conference. The PTA catered dinner for one night of the parent teacher conferences and, through the donations of our generous volunteers, we are able to provide a community donated meal for the second night. We appreciate you!! If you haven’t already signed up to volunteer with our PTA, reach out to Chantell Nielson to get on the list! chantell.nielsen@gmail.com

Monday Minute 9.23.24

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org