Dear Parents,
I want to wish you and your families a very special Thanksgiving holiday! Don’t forget there is no school on Wednesday-Friday this week. Enjoy the extra time with your families!
DLI Lottery
Tomorrow (Tuesday, 11/26) is the last day for kindergarten families to apply for the lottery for Spanish Dual Language Immersion that begins in first grade. Applications are accepted online through Nov. 26, 2024. Any kindergarten-aged student who will be starting the first grade in fall 2025 may apply. A lottery will be held to determine entrance into the programs if the number of applicants exceeds the seats available.
Choose Kindness
We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara. Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks. We have the best students!
Amethyst Hall (1st grade) Amethyst gives compliments to her classmates regularly.
Elias Woods (1st grade) Elias helped another student find their marker.
Ireland Short (2nd grade) Irie is so positive no matter who is her partner – she’s excited for everyone!!
Ethan Graham (2nd grade) Ethan has been kind and willing to help a classmate out each day!
Wyatt Taylor (2nd grade) Wyatt was kind by helping clean up another student’s things when he checked out.
Rachael Clyde (kindergarten) Rachael shows kindness to teachers by being a good listener, following the rules and doing her best work! She listens to her classmates with interest and respect 😉
Zane Gumbo (kindergarten) Zane is such a kind friend. He always makes an effort to include others and strives to make green choices always!
Silver Hansen (kindergarten) Silver cares about her friend, Boston. She always makes sure he has a friend during oral language.
Reagen Francis (2nd grade) Reagan helped clean up a lot of our class party mess without being asked to do it.
Ali Weteling (2nd grade) Ali is always quick to help other people. She has a very kind heart!
Samantha Nelson (2nd grade) Samantha is kind to everyone. She helps others when they need it.
PTA News
THANK YOU to all of our Altara families and friends that participated in the Pier 49 Pizza Spirit Night. We had a huge turn out and it was the best day they’ve had in 3 years! We are so thankful for your support! December 17th will be our next Spirit Night at Cafe Zupas in Draper from 4-9pm. Mark your calendars!
Only a few days left this month to connect your Box Tops account to Walmart and earn our school a quick and easy $5 just by connecting! Once it’s connected, any qualifying purchase made at Walmart or will automatically apply your Box Tops. We are exceeding our expectations already raising $669.40 for the school this year!
As a PTA, we are grateful and thankful this holiday season to be serving our Altara students, teachers and staff. We appreciate all the volunteers that have contributed thus far and couldn’t do what we do without your help! Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Box Top Stats: $169.40 with Ms Platts class in first place, Mr. Lowe coming in a close second place and Ms. Bilbows class in third place. Download the Box Tops app today and start scanning your receipts!
Join Team Bravo – Volunteer to bring a special treat for our Teachers and Staff
Join PTA and help support the many activities we provide throughout the year. Join PTA
Join our PTA Volunteer List and help the magic happen! Volunteer Here!
School Website:
Instagram: altaraelementary
Parent Volunteer application link:
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 27-29—Thanksgiving Break; No school
Dec. 10th—Altara School Choir Concert; 7:00 pm for families
Dec. 17th—Dual Immersion music program for parents; 9:30 am; for families whose last names begin with A-L
Dec 17th—Spirit Night at Café Zupas; 4-9 pm
Dec 18th—Dual Immersion music program for parents; 9:30 am; for families whose last names begin with M-Z
Dec. 20th—Kindergarten program for parents; 8:45 in the gym
Have a great day!
Julie Fielding, Principal
Altara Elementary