800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Monday Minute 11.3.24

Dear Parents,

Today the mayor of Sandy City visited our school and talked with our 4th and 5th grade students.  She talked about how to be good citizens and serve our community.  Thanks, Mayor Zoltanski, for visiting Altara!

Secure Emergency Earlier today, local police officers asked our school to go into Secure status as a precautionary action because there was some police activity near our campus.  This was an emergency action we have practiced before, and things went just fine today.  We made sure all students were inside and that all exterior doors were locked, including our front door.  We continued doing school as normal except that students couldn’t go out to recess for about 20 minutes.  As a reminder, we can’t let parents inside the building when we are under Secure.  

Reading Program from PBSUTAH.org/reading Challenge your children to read 20 minutes each day ​during the month of November (or 600 minutes total).  Submit your minutes to the ​link above and receive your Adventure Pass.  The pass includes tickets and coupons to your favorite museums, zoos, and activities around town.  Let’s get reading!


Choose Kindness  We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara.  Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Grayson Vinson (kindergarten) Grayson has been choosing kindness in the classroom. A friend wanted his spot on the rug and he kindly got up and moved. What a nice friend!

Samuel Jimenez (5th grade) For being a caring and reliable friend. You always made sure your table was doing okay and having fun. Your kindness and thoughtfulness are appreciated by all!

Katie Mendes (4th grade) Katie offered help to a student who was not working. She supported him to start working and he succeeded.

Isaac Light (4th grade) Isaac has been so kind to help other students when they have questions about ST Math.

Luke Baldwin (kindergarten) Luke loves to help do tasks around our classroom! He helped a friend throw away scraps from an art project.

Avery Watson (2nd grade) Avery cheered up a classmate that was sad and crying.

Wade Morris (1st grade) Wade helps others all throughout the day. Way to go!

Sydney Griffiths (4th grade) Ayuda a sus compañeros con las tareas de la clase.

Amaya Silva (4th grade) Amaya showed kindness by writing me a sweet note that made my day!

Oliver Pienaar (kindergarten) Oliver gave up his turn on the swing to push a student on her swing. He was such a good friend.

Adam Aitahmad (5th grade) Adam has welcomed our new student this week in a wonderful way. He is kind and thoughtful to make sure his new friend has what he needs and knows the rules.

PTA News We are excited to announce a special event honoring our veterans and celebrating the courage, dedication, and service of these incredible individuals. On Monday, November 11th, we will be hosting “Bring a Veteran to School Day,” where students are encouraged to invite a veteran in their lives to join them for the first 30 minutes of the school day. Light refreshments will be served. Please watch for more information to come home this week and to RSVP. 

Thank you to all the room parents who made the Halloween parties a success! Your efforts created a very memorable day for the kids. Congratulations to Ms. Erb’s class for winning the September/October Box Tops contest! The count has reset for November, so every class has a chance to win this month. Plus, during November only, if you connect your Box Tops account to Walmart, you’ll earn 50 bonus Box Tops! 

Don’t forget our upcoming Spirit Night at Pier 49 Pizza! It will be held on November 21, from 11-9. Feel free to spread the word to regular customers when you are there—every little bit helps! If your business is ordering lunch that day, corporate lunches and gift cards are also included! Please mention Altara when you order so that our school receives credit. The winning class will get a pizza party!

We’re thrilled to announce that we had 24 fantastic entries in this year’s art contest! A select few have advanced to the next level, earning a spot on the council for further recognition.

To celebrate all participants and winners, we’re planning a Reflections Night where we’ll showcase the artwork and honor the talent in our community. We’ll confirm the date soon. 

Stay tuned for more details and thank you to everyone who took part in this inspiring event!

School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 

Instagram:  altaraelementary

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 

Upcoming Dates

Nov. 6th-8th—AAPPL testing for 3rd-5th DLI students

Nov. 11th—Bring a Veteran to School Day; 8:30-9:00

Nov. 14th—”Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day”; Get together with your neighborhood friends and walk to school together this day in honor of Ruby Bridges!  Wear purple!

Nov. 19th—1st-5th grade Field Trip to Alta High School to watch the musical “Matilda”

Nov. 21st—PTA Spirit Night; Pier 49 Pizza; 11-9 all day   

Nov. 27-29—Thanksgiving Break; No school

Dec. 10th—Altara School Choir Concert

Have a great day!  

Julie Fielding, Principal

Altara Elementary

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org