800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Monday Minute 12.16.24

Dear Parents,

This Friday we are inviting all our students to wear their pajamas to school.  Friday is our last day before the winter break, and we want to wish you the warmest of holiday seasons!

Tuesday, our students in the Dual Immersion program will be performing for their parents.  They will perform the same program twice so we can fit all the families that want to attend.  See the calendar dates below for your family’s time to attend.

STEAM Night!Mark your calendars for our first annual STEAM Night coming next month on Jan. 14th.   We’ll have at least 12 different hands-on STEAM activities your child can explore.  It will be open-house style, with food trucks here from 5:30-7:30.   Bring the family and enjoy an evening of food and fun STEAM activities! 

Choose Kindness We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara.  

Shout out to Mrs. Hadean’s class, who are taking on a daily kindness challenge with their Kindness Elf.
Nels Kauppila (1st grade) For sharing sentence strips in 95% with his classmates!
Rowan McGuire (kindergarten) Rowan was kind by solving a problem with a classmate. They ended up playing together very nicely.
Kyler Watson (5th grade) He is full of kindness by sharing snacks with his peers. He enjoys being able to help other people.
Samuel Jimenez (5th grade) For being a caring and reliable friend. You always made sure your table was doing okay and having fun. Your kindness and thoughtfulness are appreciated by all!
Hadlee Stevens (5th grade) Hadlee always does her best to make sure everyone is included & taken care of. I love having her in my class.
Aurea Barranon (5th grade) For always checking in on your classmates and making sure they are doing good in spanish. Your genuine concern for others shows how much you care about their well-being. You make a positive difference!
Liam Lopez (kindergarten) Liam shows kindness everyday! He is so helpful during oral language block & always helps others clean up!
Hudson Swingley (kindergarten) Hudson is so kind to include others. He loves to create amazing art and show his friends how to color and draw.
Olivia Tafoya (kindergarten) Thank you for helping the teacher clean up after stations. 

PTA News Thank you for your amazing support at our Pier 49 Spirit Night! We got the totals back and it was our best turnout yet. Congratulations to Mrs. Dahlmeier’s class who won the pizza party for the most “dough” raised! They got to enjoy their pizza last Friday.  

We want to remind you about the Cafe Zupas Spirit Night! Tomorrow!!  December 17th from 4-9 PM! Don’t forget to mention Altara to the cashier or use the fundraiser tab on the app so our school gets credit. Skip making dinner and enjoy a delicious meal of soup, salad, and sandwiches while supporting Altara!  

Box Tops are still going strong! Keep scanning those receipts and make sure to give credit to your child’s class. Mrs. Platt’s class is currently in the lead, but Mr. Lowe’s class is catching up fast! Let’s keep it going! 

From all of us in the PTA, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season!   

School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 
Instagram:  altaraelementary
Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/  

Upcoming Dates
Dec. 17th—Dual Immersion program for parents; 9:15 am for families whose last names begin with A-L;  2:00 pm for families whose last names begin with M-Z  
Dec 17th—Spirit Night at Café Zupas; 4-9 pm
Dec. 20th—Kindergarten program for parents; 8:45 am in the gym
Dec. 20th—Pajama Day!
Dec. 23rd-Jan. 3rd—Winter recess; no school
Jan. 6th—Welcome back to school!
Jan 14th—STEAM Night 5:30-7:30 

Have a great day!   

Julie Fielding, PrincipalAltara Elementary

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