800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Monday Minute 3.3.2025

Dear Parents,

Thank you for coming to Parent Teacher conferences last week!  We appreciate working with you on behalf of your children and their education.   Thank you to all who donated their time and resources for faculty dinners both nights.  We are grateful!

Spring Pictures

Spring Pictures are Friday, March 14, 2025 from 9:00-11:00

Prepay Code: altaraspr25

This picture opportunity is prepaid ONLY. The photographers will not take pictures of students unless they have payment with them or are on the prepaid online list.  We will call students down if the indicate they have already paid.  Please be sure to let your child know that you want them to get their picture taken, and you have paid for it.  Here’s a link to pay online:


Join us for Dinner and School-Related Topics of Discussion

See the invitation below for Altara parents and guardians.  I will also be in attendance that evening.   

It starts with a question. What is being done to keep schools secure, welcoming, and safe? How is artificial intelligence being used in the classroom, and are there safeguards in place to ensure students are using digital tools responsibly? In Canyons District, we work hard to not only inform our community but to engage in dialogues. With that in mind, Canyons invites parents and guardians to the 2025 series of Canyoneering Academy Parent Information Nights. This lecture series is free and open to the public. At the event, families will hear from Canyons Superintendent Dr. Rick Robins and will have their choice of participating in three workshops covering a variety of topics, from digital and school safety to suicide prevention, artificial intelligence, drug use, and vaping. Dinner will be served from 5 to 6:15 p.m. and there will be table displays where parents can connect with school personnel and school resources. The workshops start at 6:20 p.m. (see schedule below). Spanish translators will be available. 

  • Thursday, March 13 at Indian Hills Middle (1180 E. Sanders Rd., Sandy)

Choose Kindness 

We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara.  

Leo Boggs (kindergarten) Leo shows kindness in many ways. Recently, he helped a friend open their sunshine book to the correct page. Go Leo!

Nicolas Brito Raposo (kindergarten) Nicolas, thank you for being on task during math. I can always count on you to be on task.

Ruger Hubert (3rd grade) Ruger was so kind this morning when he helped a friend when she struggled with math. He got manipulatives and kindly helped. Thank you, Ruger!

Austin Taku (3rd grade) Austin was proactive and brought cacao beans for us to hold and smell to help us understand what we were reading about making chocolate better.

Isaac Griffin (2nd grade) Isaac is so kind to everyone – he cheers on everyone in their successes.

Harper Aguilar Smith (2nd grade) Harper helped a girl stay warm while we were outside during the fire drill/procedure.

Hyrum Blackburn (4th grade) Hyrum helps his companions whenever they need it. He also helps keep class organized and in order.

Laveen Bahjat (kindergarten) Laveen gave her sticker to a student who lost hers. She also patiently helped a student catch up when she got behind on her work!

PTA News

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who signed up to donate for our Parent-Teacher Conference dinners. Your generosity made this possible, and we truly appreciate your support!

SPIRIT NIGHT this month with be at McDonalds!! Mark your calendar for March 20th from 5-7PM at the Sandy location 10550 South 1300 East. 

Congratulations to Ms Veazies class on being the February Box Top winners! Their class will receive Box Top prizes and a teacher reward too! 

Mark your calendars!! Our Annual Fundraiser will be May 2nd 5-7:30pm. We have a fun evening planned of activities, food, raffles, silent auction and entertainment! More on this to come!  If you, or anyone you know, would be willing to donate towards our Silent Auction (activities, gift cards, products or services), please remit your questions and donations to Taelor Boggs – taelorsaxtong8@gmail.com

The Altara Swag Shop is now open! Show your support for our KittyHawks by grabbing an Altara T-shirt, sweatshirt, or zip hoodie for you and your student. Youth and adult sizes are available. Place your order through Givebacks here.All orders will be delivered to your student’s classroom within 2 weeks. 

Join Team Bravo – Volunteer to bring a special treat for our Teachers and Staff


Join PTA and help support the many activities we provide throughout the year. Join PTA

Join our PTA Volunteer List and help the magic happen! Volunteer Here!

School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 

Instagram:  altaraelementary

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 

Upcoming Dates

March 13th—Canyoneering Night at Indian Hills Middle School

March 14th—Spring Pictures; Prepaid only

March 14th—1st grade program for parents; 10:30 in the gym

March 14th—SCC Meeting; 2:00 pm; All are welcome!

March 20- McDonald’s spirit night 5-7pm

March 24th—No School; teacher professional day

March 28th—Kindergarten Orientation; 2:00 pm

April 7th-11th—Spring Break; No school

May 1st-16th —RISE testing for grades 3rd-5th

May 2nd—PTA Fundraiser Event 5-7:30 pm

Have a great day!  

Julie Fielding, Principal

Altara Elementary

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org