800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

December 18, 2020 – Minutes


1. Circle Check-in

2. Approve November Minutes

3. Budget Review

4. PTA Check-in

5. Principal News

6. SNAP Plan

7. Ideas for Parent Nights


● November Meeting Notes – APPROVED

○ Motion to Approve- Michelle Erb

○ Second- Joyce Park


● Principal Budget Review

○ School Budget

○ Land Trust

■ Looking to use some of it to purchase ipads for the lower grades


○ Supply/ Cares Money

■ All but $100 of it has been used

■ Donations of masks would be helpful

● PTA News

○ Pier 49 Spirit night raised $675!

○ Upcoming January spirit night at Handles Ice cream, hopefully

○ Idle Free week in January- working with student council

○ Spirit Wear orders are in and need to be distributed to those who ordered

○ Cause of Paws was a huge success and student council dropped off donations

● Principal News

○ Will be creating a Wellness Room in an available 5th grade room

■ We are 1 in 10 Schools that was picked to receive supplies for the Wellness


○ Canvas

■ Working on making canvas more easily navigated especially for lower grades

■ Ed-tech is working on mini PD’s

■ Creating snow day pages

○ News from the district

■ They are working on becoming Accredited and will be asking SCC’s for input

on how and what they can improve on.

● Examples: communication improvements and equity improvements

● Initial assessment was positive

● Principal Magann & Principal Jamison are both on the board

○ School Fundraiser

■ Wasatch Savings Books

● SNAP Plan

○ Added community concerns

■ Crosswalk on 110th is still extremely unsafe, with highschool drivers

speeding down the road

● Asking to get flashing light like Alta High has

■ Safety concerns for the kids walking up 110th and crossing Hawkwood and

Avila St., cars should not be allowed to park along those curbs as it blocks

the view of traffic and seeing the kids walking. Many kids have almost got hit

because drivers don’t see them crossing. Traffic is from our parents picking

up as well as Indian Hills carpools, as well as regular traffic.


● Parent Night Ideas

○ Suggested to have a reminder call the night before as well as posted on social


○ January – Canvas Q&A hosted by Michelle Erb

○ February- Mental Health Markers, tips from Behavior therarpists, what parents

can do to help and look for, apps they can download

○ March- Covid Q&A (repeat- to see if we get more participants)

Follow Up Action Items

1. Come up with ideas for Parent Meeting Zooms: April & May

Next Meeting

January 22nd @ 2:00 pm via Zoom


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org