800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

December 9, 2022 – Minutes

In Attendance:

  • Principal Nicole Svee Magann
  • Teacher- Kathryn Weber
  • Parent (PTA)- Chelsea Osborne
  • Parent- Mike Adams
  • Parent (Chair)- Rochelle Griffin
  • Parent (Secretary)- Ryan Romero
  • Visitor: Andrew Edtl- Board of Education
  • Visitor: Stephanie Glover- Instructional Coach

Opening Check-In

Approve minutes from November’s meeting

Motion: Approve November’s minutes

Made By: Chelsea

Vote: Unanimous by those present


Principal News

Small fire minutes before school ended on Dec 9th. The Sandy Fire Department was on sight very quickly. Risk Management and FD are investigating it but believe it may be a student. In a garbage can and was contained. Fire plans and practice drills showed that everything went smoothly.

DLI choir- Will plan on filming it but ask parents not to come due to space and capacity wise. Will be on Dec 16th, 2022.

Dual Language- next year’s enrollment is full with a small waiting list. 79% will be from the local neighborhood. January is when they will release the list and acceptance option.

Apple scores seemed to be scoring high. Not officially released.

Benchmark Testing in January, reading growth is showing great improvement.

Newest kindergarten teacher is resigning- Mrs. Nielsen. Already interviewing and have three solid candidates.

Idle free week in January (17th of January).


PTA News-

Another Spirit Night- Zao (located near Scheels) December 13th, 2022

Dads and Doughnuts- WATCH DOGS- In January 2023


Budget Reviews

Money is fine for supplies and could alway move money

School Equipment- New copier for front office

No amendment yet but possibly for aides but can move from land trust to TSSA

Aides raise caused the problem of not being able to work the same amount of time/days. Asked aides to give us furlough days January through March. Morale is ok because aides furlough days can be turned into opportunity to be an emergency substitute teacher.


School Safety Plan

Reviewed the existing safety plan created thus far and talked about adding Youtube videos made for Altara with parents that were made by Bethany Foster.

Talk about air pressure and a few exterior doors being affected. Plan is to keep interior doors shut to stop the pressure from building.



Talked about street parking laws not being enforced. Having a safety plan during construction on homes on 700 East and making sure there will be sidewalks and a safe route during construction.


Adjourn the Meeting

Time: 3:25

Motion: Adjourn  the meeting

Made By: Rochelle Griffin

Vote: Unanimous


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org