SCCMembers | Role | Present |
Mike Adams | Parent | X |
Paul Mayer | Parent | X |
Rochelle Griffin | Parent | X |
Katie Esplin | Parent | X |
Kristen Romero | Parent | X |
Cassie Smith | Parent | X |
Julie Fielding | Principal | X |
Michell Erb | 3rd grade Teacher | X |
Michelle Platt | Kindergarten Teacher | |
Sol Rivas | 3rd grade Teacher | X |
Agenda Items:
- Approve last meeting’s minutes
- SCC Minutes 2.7.25 – Altara Elementary
- Motion to approve: Michelle Erb
- Second: Rochelle Griffin
- Follow up items
- No action items from the last
- TSSP and LAND Trust plans
- TSSP/LAND Trust plan for the next school year
- Focus on student engagement (specifically OTR) and structured classroom discussion supported with coaching.
- Reading Goal: 80% showing grade level proficiency or typical or better growth on Acadience assessments
- K—NWF, 1—NWF-WWR, 2-5–Composite
- Math goal: 80% showing grade level proficiency or typical or better growth on Acadience math composite
- Climate goal: Focus on building relationships. 90% of our classrooms will have a 4:1 positive to corrective feedback in the classroom as measured by quarterly walkthroughs by the instructional coach and administrators. Teachers will send home one positive postcard to every student. Teachers will write three kindness nominations per month.
- Funding—Majority of funding will go to aides. All of the LAND trust will go to aides to support reading. TSSP will also go to aides and some will go for math software, supplies, social worker, behavior assistant, subs for PD days, and rewards TSSP 126,000 LAND Trust 94,000
- Extra funding will go to any areas already identified, FTE to lower class sizes, add behavior and academic supports with aides, technology, substitutes, supplies PD, PBIS, academic subjects, teacher and student support, curriculum supports, teacher stipends/subs to attend PD
- TSSP/LAND Trust plan for the next school year
b. Due April 12