800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

March 18, 2022 – Minutes

Members In Attendance:

Nicole Svee Magann

Michelle Erb, Vice-Chair

Hollie Parry, Chair

Mindi Nielsen, PTA President Rochelle Grin, Secretary


  1. Check In
  2. February Meeting Notes Approval

Members Absent:

Joyce Park, Teacher Kimberly Tillotson, Parent Ryan Romero, Parent

Non-members In Attendance:

Amanda Oaks, Canyons School District Board Member

Maddie, Practicum Student from Iowa State

Stephanie Glover, Instructional Coach

Altara SCC Meeting Minutes March 18, 2022

Motion to approve: Michelle Erb Seconded: Mindi Nielsen
Unanimously approved by members present

3. PTA Report

  • ●  March 24th – Spirit Night at Habit Grill
  • ●  March 29th – Dads and Donuts
  • ●  April 29th – Big Fundraiser

    80’s Themed Party with Silent Auction

○ 4 Food Trucks ○ Photo Booth ○ Silent Auction

● Teacher Appreciation Week – “It’s Plane to See We Have the Best Teachers in the World”

4. Principal’s Report
● After School Classes have been a big success

○ Six week sessions

  • ○  Using extra budget money to provide stipends for teachers who were interested in teaching after school enrichment classes
  • ○  Free to students on a first-come first-served basis

● Altara had the pleasure of hosting 8 practicum students from Iowa State visiting the school this week. They’re great!
○ They learn from the teachers and do home stays with them.

5. BudgetReview

  • ●  Postage Budget is too high – Principal Magann asked Board

    Member Oaks if that might be discussed for change at the district


  • ●  Other budget categories are on track for the end of the year
    • ○  Salaries
      • We are fully staffed with assistants, other than

        extended learning which we haven’t been able to fill

        since beginning of year

      • We’ve been able to hire a DLI assistant which has been

        very helpful

    • ○  Technology

■ Upgrading teacher’s iPads, adding pencils and cameras

● Teachers will be taking a class on utilizing the new tech

■ School store will be able to utilize TSSA funds for PBIS rewards
● This takes a big weight o the supplies budget, which has been used for incentives

  • Teacher wellness room
  • Stipends for school social worker for extra hours spent creating Zones of Regulations videos and lessons for teachers

○ Budget money has been built in to support collaboration days by hiring substitute teachers for those days

  1. Land Trust Plan and
  2. TSSA Plan

● Reading and Language Arts
○ Goal: By the Spring of 2023, 88% of students in Kindergarten will be on benchmark as shown by scores on NWF-CLS (nonsense word fluency – correct letter sounds); 70% of students in grades 1-3 will meet typical or above typical growth; and 15% more students in grades 4-5 will score on the advanced or proficient level on RI (Reading Inventory) by the Spring of 2023 than score on advanced or proficient levels on the Fall 2022 assessment.

  • ○  Action Plan Summary: We will increase literacy structures through state trainings in multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), structured classroom discussions, success criteria, the use of data, and LTRS. We will continue to utilize coaching cycles in Instructional Professional Learning Communities (IPLCs). School wide professional development will continue to focus on success criteria, intervention, and teacher clarity through the use of success criteria ($1500). The use of five intervention aides to instruct small groups using 95% Group ($60,000). Hire three kindergarten aides to help with small groups, progress monitoring, and supervision ($25,000).
  • ○  Notes
    • ●  As a change from previous years, when 3 of the intervention aides pulled out for ELA and 2 pulled out for ELA and Math, this year all 5 intervention aides will support ELA by pushing into the classroom (as opposed to pulling out previously).
    • ●  New Wonders curriculum and LTRS training will give added support to students with disabilities and multilingual.

      ● Math

  • ○  Goal: By the spring of 2023, 80% of our K-5 students will be on benchmark as demonstrated by MCOMP (math computation) or QD (quantity discrimination).
  • ○  Action Plan Summary: Teachers will participate in professional development and coaching cycles centered on Number Talks, the use of manipulatives, and success criteria. Hire an aide to work with the Dual Language Immersion teachers for mathematical and behavior success ($11,000).
  • ○  Notes
    • ●  We will lose two math interventionists, mainly due to scheduling issues, they have not been able to push in as much as would be eective. Extra support for Math will come through math fluency kits from the district and number talks using manipulatives. The DLI aide will also help with dual language math.
    • ●  We will continue with ST Math in the lower grades and introduce Imagine Math and Imagine Math Facts for the upper grades.

● School Climate
○ Goal: 75% of students (K-5) will be in the low risk range of externalizing behaviors by Spring of 2023 as measured by the Student Risk Screening Scale (SRSS-IE).

  • ○  Action Plan Summary: Students identified as high risk on the SRSS-IE will be tracked by the student support assistant who will check in with them weekly and work with the student support team to provide supports such as counseling, academic, and community assistance. Hire 1.5 student support assistants who will supervise and play with students during recess to help foster positive play and conflict resolution ($20,800). These assistants will also help with external and internal behaviors in the classroom and will help supervise lunch to support students who may struggle socially. Social worker will train students on Zones of Regulation. Pay for .4 of a social worker to provide for a social worker at Altara 80% of the time ($42,00). Altara will add after school programs to aide in developing relationships, providing an opportunity for building friendships, and extending our positive supports if there is extra money in the budget.
  • ○  Notes
    • ●  Our social worker, Bethany Foster, met with every IPLC

      to discuss how to best help students who scored in

      yellow and red on the SRSS-IE.

    • ●  We’ll hire a second student support assistant (in

      addition to the one the district provides), which works

      extremely well.

● Vote to approve Land Trust and TSSA Plans

Motion to approve: Rochelle Grin Seconded: Nicole Svee Magann
Approved by:
Nicole Svee Magann Michelle Erb
Mindi Nielsen Rochelle Grin

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