800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

March 19, 2021 – Minutes

Altara SCC Meeting March 19, 2021

Next Meeting April 16th @ 2:00 pm via Zoom

Meeting Minutes: 2:00 pm- 3:10 pm


Hollie Parry- Parent

Katie Atkinson- Parent

Katie Hart- Parent

Cindy Boyer- Parent

Nicole Magann- Principal

Michelle Erb- Teacher

Cynthia Rowley- Teacher

Joyce Park- Teacher

Representative Suzanne Harrison- Guest

EXCUSED: Kimberly Tillotson – Parent


1. Circle Check-in

2. Approve February Minutes

3. Principal News

4. Budget Review

5. PTA News

6. Land Trust Review

7. TSSP Review

8. Suzanne Harrison


● February Meeting Notes – APPROVED

○ Motion- Michelle Erb

○ 2nd- Joyce Park

● Principal News

○ Volunteers will be allowed back under following requirements (have to show

proof of one)

■ Proof of vaccination

■ Rapid test: good for 10 days

■ Antibodies test

○ Masks will still be required in schools after the mandate is lifted.

○ Fridays will remain virtual learning to the end of the year

○ DLI for 1st grade is full

○ Hold on Kindergarten enrollments

○ Hiring PT Kindergarten teacher

○ Hiring 2 DLI teachers for next year

■ 2nd grade replacing current Spanish teacher

■ New 3rd Grade

○ Teacher highlight, applauding them for their success in showing growth in their classes.

● School Budget Review

○ Spending is on track

○ Cares Money has been spent: mostly on masks

● PTA News

○ Kindness week was a success

○ Teacher appreciation is coming up

○ Will be discussing what we are able to do for end of year celebration, ie Field Day

○ Biz Town: not doing the field trip, done virtually

● Land Trust

○ Mostly spent on Wages

○ Enough to pay aides through May (not last week)

○ $4k available to roll over

○ Goals for upcoming year


● Improve benchmark & growth

● Have 3 aides : $34, 400

● Professional Development: $1500

● Kindergarten Aides: $17,100

■ Math

● Professional development on number talks and use of manipulatives

● Aides for intervention and extended learning: $17, 604

● ST Math


○ Adding Kindergarten aides

○ Wellness Corners

○ $11k remaining from this year

■ Want to roll over to next year with vote from board

○ School Climate: social & emotional

■ Seeing an increase in anxiety & suicidal talk

■ Student Risk Screening

■ Wellness room/corners

■ Restorative Practices

■ 2nd Step

■ Social Worker: full time hopefully

■ Would like to use TSSP funds to allow a FT social worker and keep them at our school to gain trust with the kids and consistency. $42k

■ Behavior Assistants, Playworks: $20,800

● Voting

○ Motion to begin vote

■ Michelle Erb

■ 2nd : Joyce Park

○ Addendum to roll excess money over to upcoming school year

■ Motion to approve : Michelle Erb

■ 2nd: Nicole Magann

■ Majority voted Yes

■ Katie Atkinson abstained because she came to meeting late and didn’t feel she had enough info to vote.

○ Approve Land Trust

■ Motion to approve: Michelle Erb

■ 2nd: Joyce Park

■ Majority voted yes

■ Katie Atkinson abstained because she came to meeting late and didn’t feel she had enough info to vote.

○ Approve TSSP

■ Motion to approve: Michelle Erb

■ 2nd : Nicole Magann

■ Majority voted yes

■ Katie Atkinson abstained because she came to meeting late and didn’t feel she had enough info to vote.

● Suzannne Harrison- Utah House of Representative

○ Expressed her gratitude to all the work everybody is doing

○ Informed the board of the investment the state is putting into mental health

○ As a member of the Canyons Education Foundation she said there are tools to help schools with students with mental health issues.

■ Short term health sessions: 6 Free sessions if they don’t have insurance

○ Request from Principal Magann:

■ That every elementary school needs to have a full time social worker/counselor, funded by state or district. Not out of the schools budget.

■ TSSP funding is helpful but it is year to year and it isn’t a guarantee to have a permanent counselor year after year. It is all dependent on our received funding if the school can fund them full time.

○ Suzanne welcomes all suggestions & questions, and to email or call her anytime.

● End of Meeting: 3:10 pm

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