In Attendance: Nicole Magann, Jayne Eckholdt, Alisha Harrison, Jody Hadfield, Ruthanne Sobieski, Joani Richardson, Lisa Buchmiller, Bill Kenley
Not Present: Ruthanne Sobieski
- Budget
Budget still looking good. Majority of money goes to aides. $7,000 in equipment went towards I-pad lab for lower grades
- School Issues
Discussion of revamp of Kittyhawk logo. Vote of final 4 names was put out to students and parents. 33.9% of votes went to Hawkins! Also waiting for IT people to do internet cable on new marquee. Altara just had NOVA graduation for 5thgraders.
- School Digital Plan and Safety
Michelle Veazie (Altara representative) came in and discussed School Digital Plan and Safety with us per line 267 in Safe Technology Utilization and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools. . Every student will participate in digital citizenship training during brain boosters. Talked about different filters for each grade level and how more filters are in elementary. Electronics at Altara are locked in drawers or in labs for safety.
Teachers responsibilities include using SafeShare TV and watching entirety of videos shown at least once. Our school will also have a Netsmart assembly.
Each grade at Altara has access to some form on electronics wether it is Chromebook labs, Ipads, or Macs. As a council we talked about benefits of using items such as Chromebooks now which will help them with Google docs in secondary.
PTA will discuss ways to get info out to parents to be more familiar with Canvas and other web sites teachers use. PTA is thinking of a parent presentation, maybe February with white ribbon week or with P/T conferences.
- Other
Future Meetings- Usually 2ndFriday of each month
1/10/18 2/9/18 3/9/18 4/20/18 5/11/18
Next Scheduled Meeting Friday December 15th – 11:40 to 12:30