Minutes by: Alisha Harrison
Chairperson: Jody Hadfield
Principal: Nicole Magann
In Attendance: Nicole Magann, Mary Jo Webber, Lori Easter, Alisha Harrison, Julie Duncan, Melissa Colson, Jody Hadfield
Not Present: Naomi Perkins
Welcome– Welcomed everyone to a new year. Jody will remain acting president with Alisha remaining as secretary. Welcomed Melissa Colson who is new for this year. Julie Duncan was on board last year but not able to come to many meetings was also welcomed in person.
Training Reminder- Last training will be held at Jordan High School Tech Atrium on Oct. 28thform 6:30 to 8.
Fall Report– Went over School Plan for 2015-16 Altara School Year.
We are going to do test measurements differently this Spring so the data measures from Fall to Spring instead of Winter to Winter. Feel this will give us a better representation of student growth and teacher performance.
Went over 3 major goals
Reading: By Spring of 2016, 80% of students in grades 1-3 will be on benchmark as shown by scores on RCBM. By spring of 2016, scores in grades 4-5 on SRI in advanced or proficient levels will increase by 10% from the Fall 2015 assessment
Measurements made by CBM. Transition to fall to spring scores. Will continue small group instruction in classrooms and continued professional development. 3 reading aides hired to assist with reading intervention with a school year cost of $28,525.
Math: By Spring of 2016, 90% of our k-2 students will be on benchmark as demonstrated by the MCOMP and MN. 60% of students in grades 3-5 will score in the proficient or highly proficient range on SAGE
Measurements will be MCOMP , Quantity Discrimination, Missing Number, and SAGE Test. All grades will be trained on Math PALS, Reflex Math, etc. All students below benchmark will receive 2x/month progress monitoring with MCOMP or an early numeracy measure that will be recorded on AIMSweb. Paying teachers to work outside contract hours for collaboration will be an expense of $3,000.
All areas: By the Spring of 2016, office referrals will be reduced from 25% from Spring of 2015. 85% of teachers will demonstrate at least two feedback loops per iPop visit as measured by iPop data.
Measurements made through iPop and TPOT data gathered to determine the amount of feedback loops. Will also examine office referral data. Continual professional development on positive practice in the classroom and continuation of 200 club
Reviewed Altara 2015 Winter CSIP Data
RCBM- all grades almost met the 5% increase goal. 1st, 2nd, 5th, made goals. 3rddid not meet goal but this grade has lower gains across whole district. We will continue to monitor and make modifications. 4th grade almost made it with a score of 77% when goal was 78%
All grades scored in the green for MCOMP. Great news!!
Budget/ Current Plan
Reviewed Landtrust. Assistants (reading aides, etc.) take large portion of funds. Budget modified to include retirement, FICA, medicare and workers comp. Adjusted budget to take those factors into account for this year. PBIS (Positive Behavior) will come out of supply portion of landtrust.
Videos– videos for this year have been reviewedMeetings for Next Year– The following meetings have been set up. All 11:40 to 12:30 2015- Nov 16th, Dec. 14th2016- Jan. 11th, Feb. 8th, March 14th, April 18th, May 16th, Sept 19th
Next Scheduled Meeting Nov. 16th– 11:40 to 12:30