800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

November 20, 2020 – Minutes


Hollie Parry- Parent

Katie Atkinson- Parent

Katie Hart- Parent

Cindy Boyer- Parent

Kimberly Tillotson – Parent

Nicole Magann- Principal

Michelle Erb- Teacher

Cynthia Rowley- Teacher

Mindi Neilsen- PTA President

Excused : Joyce Park- Teacher


October Meeting Notes – APPROVED

○ Motion to Approve- Michelle Erb

○ Second- Nicole Magann


● Principal News

○ All classrooms now have sanitizer stations

○ District will be sending vigilance letter out to parents this weekend

■ 6 cases, but 2 or 3 are back from quarantine on Monday

■ District sends vigilance letter out when a school’s number gets to 6


○ Academics

■ Some deficits from school shutting down in Spring, but we are making great


■ Formal and informal evaluations are being dones

■ Cindy Rawley says things are looking good with their students

● PTA News

○ 1-2 weekly teacher/staff moral baskets being brought

○ PTA is partnering with Student Council to help with their service project, Cause for

Paws- Sandy animal shelter. Starts next week and ends before christmas break.

○ Nova Graduation Dec. 3rd

○ Monthly Spirit Nights- first one is Tuesday Nov 24th at Zupas in Draper

● 2nd Trimester Changes

○ 25 students returned to in person learning, mostly in 1st and Kindergarten

○ Window has closed until March

○ 4 students changed to online learning

○ 6 students changed to parent taught

● Budget Reviews:

○ Financing for aides is in good shape

○ Spent a lot on technology that was needed

○ School Budget

■ Went over what has been spent and what is still available

■ Purchased another water bottle filling station

■ Upgrading ipads

■ 60 chromebooks

■ Alta gave us 2 charging carts

○ Land Trust

■ Used for aides

■ Used on technology


○ Care Money

■ Used on masks, sanitizer etc.

■ All has been spent but $100


■ Would welcome any donations of masks for those students who forget, lose

or break theirs while at school

● School Safety Plan

○ Reviewed last years plan: Social & Emotional Plan: wanting to stay with this plan

with some additions

○ Access to school social worker, 2nd Step Program, External coach from ISD dept.

○ Help kids who are returning to school to feel safe again and help them work through

their anxieties and social issues, due to covid etc.

○ Parent Meetings- looking at providing helpful zoom meetings for parents.

■ Possible guests to talk about various topics: school nurse, school

psychologist etc.

■ Plan to have these ongoing if possible

● Digital Citizenship Plan

○ Content Keeper- filtering system

○ Netsmart Program- expensive but comprehensive

○ Idea to post on social media, and website, links to training videos parents can watch

with their kids about being safe online.

● Approval of School Safety Plan & Digital Citizenship Plan

○ Motion to approve- CINDY BOYER



Follow Up Action Items

1. Come up with and discuss topic ideas for Parent Meeting Zooms

Next Meeting

December 18th @ 2:00 pm via Zoom


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org