800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

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Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

November 19, 2021 – Minutes (Draft)

Members In Attendance:

Nicole Svee Magann

Michelle Erb, Vice-Chair

Hollie Parry, Chair

Mindi Nielsen
Rochelle Grin, Secretary Ryan Romero


Members Absent:

Joyce Park (Teacher) Kimberly Tillotson (Parent)

Non-members In Attendance:

Ashley Lennox, CSD Teacher Specialist

Altara SCC Meeting Minutes November 19, 2021

1. Check In
● We do an opening check-in to model wellness check-ins, just like

we do with the kids in morning meetings.

  1. Approve October Notes
  2. Principal News

● Career Day on Tuesday

○ in person, with parents in the classroom for a limited time

  • ●  Next week is a 2-day week due to Thanksgiving
  • ●  December 3rd is a remote learning day
  • ●  Second Step is no longer a program that we’re using. Canyons

    School Board voted 4 to 3 against it.

    • ○  Last month’s back up plan for teaching Zones of Regulation

      sets us up to be able to smoothly continue SEL education > All of our classes have had the Zones of Regulation

      introductory lesson now

    • ○  A piece about our Zones of Regulation lessons went out in

      this month’s newsletter

    • ○  We’ll be sharing our lessons, mini-lessons and the videos
Motion to approve: Michelle Erb Seconded: Principal Svee Magann
Unanimously approved by members present

produced by our social worker with other schools.

● We will be removing the language about Second Step in various sections of our Landtrust and TSSA plans.

○ These references to Second Step are not directly tied to data and/or money, so no amendment needs to be submitted.

● Becky Bellon retiring after 37 years

4. PTA News

  • ●  Successful family involvement for spirit nights
    • ○  We achieved a record with our Pier 49 night
    • ○  Numbers aren’t in yet for Firehouse Subs
  • ●  Spirit shirts should be coming home Monday

○ Volunteers limited to about 4 per classroom for parties ● Christmas in Color Spirit Event

  • ○  Goes until beginning of January
  • ○  Putting in a code will set $5 of ticket price to go towards the

    school (it is not $5 o ticket price)

    5. SchoolSafetyPlan
    Biggest areas of concern from Altara parents’ feedback on the recent district survey:

  • ●  Social Emotional Learning
    • ○  Wellness corners were praised
    • ○  Parents still want SEL
  • ●  Recess Bullying
    • ○  Principal Svee Magann is unsure if there is true bullying

      going on, or if kids are being mean

      • >  Bullying is over time, involves targeting one person

        consistently, using power

      • >  Being mean is not knowing how to handle emotions

        (e.g. name calling, slugging)

    • ○  First and second grades have large groups at recess, so

      systems/schedules may need to be revisited

    • ○  A parent SCC member suggested educating parents on the

      definition of bullying as well as the steps that are taken when bullying occurs

      > When bullying is going on, restorative practice is used with social worker mediating

    • ○  A teacher SCC member suggested a refresher to the faculty on bullying procedure, as well as a request for teachers to revisit this with their students. Also suggested was encouraging communication between recess aides and teachers and administration of any incidents that were handled so everyone is aware.
  • ●  Mask Wearing (i.e. requesting more) was also a recurring area of concern, but the school has no control over this issue.

● SCC members agreed that in light of 1) having great human resources with our 1.5 social workers and 2 behavioral assistants, as well as having a current plan to provide SEL through zones of regulation lessons, and 2) the school’s lack of control in being able to mandate masks, that recess bullying seemed to be the most logical area of concern to be addressed in the school safety plan. Action items to be incorporated include :

  • ○  Educating parents on bullying in December’s newsletter > Defining bullying

    > Using restorative process

  • ○  Educating in the classroom, reteaching skills
  • ○  Increasing communication with recess aides
  • ○  Using zones of regulation to solve conflict
  • ○  Possible wellness column in newsletter
  • ○  Revisit school schedule
  1. Budget review
    • ●  Concern for Land Trust and TSSA plans where hired positions

      have/had not been filled, so budgeted money needs to go

      somewhere for the months when those positions were not filled

    • ●  We’ll discuss these amendments next meeting
  2. Possible Amendments to Land Trust

● Motion to move this agenda item to next SCC meeting

Motion: Principal Svee Magann Seconded: Michelle Erb
Unanimously approved by members presen

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