800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

October 28, 2022 – Minutes

List of Attendees: Rochelle, Ryan, Michelle E., Sheri, Mike, Michelle V., Nicole, Kathryn

Time Meeting Called to Order: 2:00 pm


  1. Opening Check In
  • What was your first experience with the internet?
  • Rochelle- In college and I heard there was this thing where you could send a message to your parents.
  • Ryan- Dial signal to connect to the internet
  • Michelle E.- I got very sick at school and I was trying to call my parents, but my dad was using the internet, so they had to call the neighbor for help.
  • Sheri- I think I emailed myself something I needed for college
  • Mike- I was at UVSC and we had an assignment to send an email to someone
  • Michelle V.- Also the email when I could send to someone
  • Nicole- At some point when I was teaching, and I was in grad school. The dial up signal I remember also
  • Kathryn- Probably in high school when I first got to use a flip phone or device
  1. Approve minutes from September’s meeting
  • Unanimous vote to approve the minutes
  • Rochelle nominates Ryan to be the secretary
  1. PTA News
  • Chelsea said there are no PTA items
  1. Principal News
  • Having our Career Day the day before Thanksgiving Break and we will be sending information on that this coming week.
  • Parent Square seems to be working well. A few teachers are having issues logging onto the app when they are at home to respond to parents. There is support for parent square, but we will reach out to Justin to see what might be going on with this.
  • School grades came out and we were rated as an ‘A’ campus!
  1. Ruby Bridges
  • Sheri Helm here to discuss Ruby Bridges National Walk to School Day.
  • November 14th is when it is celebrated, and I envision encouraging students, staff, and family to wear purple and walk to school. The foundation has broadened their goals to fight against racism and bullying. Some schools do assemblies to teach students about it.
  • Nicole- would be careful to mention activism with this, but we can discuss how it honors Ruby Bridges and kindness.
  • Can discuss this from a historical standpoint as well as anti-racism and anti-bullying stance. Maybe we start off this year very simple with encouraging to wear purple and walk to school to incite kindness in support of Ruby Bridges.
  • Motion to do this this year is approved. Motion to find a committee and continue working on it for next year is approved.
  1. Digital Citizenship
  • Have to fill out a plan for digital citizenship for the school. Each student should have three lessons to teach digital citizenship each year, which is done in brain boosters.
  • Every school in the district is a commonsense media school.
  • Also have a parent outreach where we send monthly messages out
  • Staff is trained in digital citizenship at the beginning of the year
  • Think that we should make parents aware that there are more things that happen throughout the school to improve digital citizenship, such as the filters that go through the devices. Should also give parents notifications on things they could use at home.
  1. Approve Cell Tower Funds
  • We don’t have a cell tower here at Altara. Because of this, we get 10% of everyone’s cell tower funds to be used on other things.
  • I would like to use those funds (about $1800) for teacher rewards and appreciation.
  • Approved unanimously
  1. School Safety Plan
  • We have talked about bullying, student safety concerns, social-emotional supports.
  • Our social worker is pushing in to do more lessons to support with social-emotional learning. Maybe we could do more professional development for teachers on morning meetings.
  1. SEL update
  • Bethany asked to speak with us at the next meeting. She is asking to be able to put a closet together for social needs such as deodorant, clothing, etc.
  1. Budget
  • We are on track with the budget.


Time Meeting Adjourned:  3:27pm

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