800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

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Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

SCC Meeting Minutes 1.10.25

 SCC Meeting Agenda for January 10, 2025 SCC Members Role Present 
Mike Adams Parent 
Paul Mayer Parent 
Rochelle Griffin Parent 
Katie Esplin Parent 
Kristen Romero Parent 
Cassie Smith Parent 
Julie Fielding Principal 
Michell Erb 3rd grade Teacher 
Michelle Platt Kindergarten Teacher 
Sol Rivas 3rd grade Teacher 

 Agenda Items: 

1. Approve last meeting’s minutes a. SCC Meeting Minutes 11.8.24 – Altara Elementary 

b. Motion to approve Katie Esplin 

c. Second by Paul Mayer 

2. Follow up items a. School Safety Plan i. HVAC, Carpet covering outlets, Parking lot 1. HVAC seems to have been resolved. Observe Kinder door. Back and front doors have not been reported open. a. Next step is to replace doors. 

ii. Carpet covering ticket has been resubmitted to the district 

iii. Parking lot 1. East parking lot problem seems to be resolved. 

3. TSSP and LAND Trust plans a. Review this year’s TSSP plan i. Final report for previous year’s plan due January 27th 1. Template comes through on January 15th. Julie will fill that out when it gets here. 

ii. Goals 1. 80% in reading or typical or better growth 

2. 80% in math or typical or better growth 

3. Morning meeting and thrive time 

iii. Money 1. Land trust budget is for Aides 

2. After the 15th we should be under the 10% needed. At that point the aides will be moved to TSSP fund. 

3. Hard to plan for, but it looks like we are on track to appropriately use the funding within the budget. Aides have had an increase in hours as appropriate. 

4. Will meet with BLT as well to see if we are happy with aides and the way funding is going this year and will plan to continue with similar plan for next year. a. SCC wants a similar goal moving forward for next year. It will help to review Acadience that come this month. May move goal to 81-82%. 

b. Begin writing TSSP plan for next school year 

c. Review current year’s LAND Trust plan i. Any amendments, if needed, due March 1. Not anticipating any amendment to the previous year’s plan. 

4. School Happenings a. STEAM Night – January 14 i. 13 Stations 

ii. Open house 

iii. Get a stamp for each station you visit. Goal is to get 6 and can get a mochi 

iv. Digital Citizenship pamphlet as parents come in and a bulletin board with questions for kids to answer to get a prize. 

v. Student council member and teacher will be at each station. 

vi. Drama station for “a” in steam. 

b. Acadience testing January 24 and 27th. i. District comes in and administers the test 

c. PDD- Has been structured classroom discussion (We learn best when we are talking) 

d. BLT Training happening this next month. 

e. Shadow Student day Follow up i. All shadowing teachers loved it. 1. Observation: Found that ro-sham-bo was effective way to resolve conflict in fourth grade. 

2. Another observation: Students need more movement, some kids probably stay silent and try to figure things out instead of asking questions…try to find a strategy for this. 

f. Fire drill with the App takes a little longer, but getting used to it. 

5. Next Meeting February 7, 2025 

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