800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

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Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

SCC Meeting Minutes 10.11.24

 SCC Meeting Agenda for October 11, 2024 SCC Members Role Present 
Mike Adams Parent 
Paul Mayer Parent 
Rochelle Griffin Parent 
Katie Esplin Parent 
Kristen Romero Parent 
Cassie Smith Parent Virtual 
Julie Fielding Principal 
Michell Erb 3rd grade Teacher 
Michelle Platt Kindergarten Teacher 
Sol Rivas 3rd grade Teacher 

 Agenda Items: 
1. Approve last meeting’s minutes
a. SCC Meeting Minutes 9.20.24 – Altara Elementary (canyonsdistrict.org) 
b. Motioned to vote by Michelle Erb 
c. Motion to approve Paul Mayer 

2. Follow up items
a. Website update has been done 
b. Following up on plugs in the pta room 
c. What is Canyoneering night? 

3. Review current year’s LAND Trust plan
a. Review if spending is on course or if amendments are necessary 
b. On track for spending
i. 90% of funds is dedicated to staff 
ii. Money has been put in landtrust. When that runs out move to TSSA 

4. Finalize Safe Walking Routes report
a. Due November 1 
b. Routes are not changing 
c. Canyons safety concerns
i. Crossing the parking lot through the drop off lane instead of at the crosswalk. 
ii. Blocking off the east parking lot for parents, there is nowhere to park for parents 
iii. Ask staff to not park in the front and see if that helps with anything. 
d. Community concerns
i. Crossing guards do great! 
ii. Snow piled up on the sidewalk needs to be cleared –school or city job? 
iii. Construction on 700 E and 11000 south can’t cross because the sidewalk is blocked. Kids are walking out onto 700 E 
e. Known changes in roads or neighborhoods? 

5. School Safety
a. Due before holiday break in December 
i. We will work on this in November 

6. School Happenings
a. Student council voted in and met this morning.
i. Rep from each class third through fifth.
ii. Goal is to make them more visible this year 
b. Attendance Plan i. Going well so far. It is fun for the kids 
c. PTA want to do more with Veterans
i. Want to do a veterans walk on Veterans day 
ii. Recognize the veterans and those on active duty 
d. Monday October 21st
i. Learn about Crisis Go.
1. App on phones so anyone in the building can start an emergency alert
a. Alarm goes off on the phone that there is a problem 
b. Student rosters are in app so a check can be done easily 
c. Notifies police, fire, district as needed 
d. Use with drills as well 
ii. Student shadow day
1. A day to walk in the shoes of a student. 
2. BLT teachers are doing it. 
3. Variety of students throughout the school 
4. Teachers will do what the student is doing. 
5. Goal is to see what can we do better to improve student happiness, etc. 
iii. Halloween parade
1. 8:45 outside 
2. Set up cones/chalk 
iv. Ruby Bridges November 14th.
1. We are signed up for it 
2. Kindness and anti bullying

7. Playground grass is disgusting with trash and dog poop bags. Community trashing it and more kids garbage. a. Signs? i. Student council make signs? 
b. More garbage cans? 

8. Next Meeting November 8 

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