800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

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Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

SCC Meeting Minutes 11.8.24

 SCC Meeting Agenda for November 8, 2024 SCC Members  Role  Present 
Mike Adams  Parent 
Paul Mayer  Parent 
Rochelle Griffin  Parent 
Katie Esplin  Parent 
Kristen Romero  Parent 
Cassie Smith  Parent 
Julie Fielding  Principal 
Michelle Erb  3rd grade Teacher 
Michelle Platt  Kindergarten Teacher 
Sol Rivas  3rd grade Teacher 
Natalia  Visitor 

 Agenda Items: 
1. Approve last meeting’s minutes a. SCC Meeting Minutes 10.11.24 – Altara Elementary 
b. Motion to approve Michelle Erb 
c. Second Kristen Romero 
d. No objections 

2. School Safety Plan a. Due before holiday break in December 
b. HVAC/Door
i. Doors not latching/closing 
ii. District has been working hard this last month 
iii. Progress reports have been send of what work has been done to Mrs. Fielding 
iv. Outside HVAC company has been hired to focus on the wind tunnel
1. Hasn’t had a report of a door issue in front or back in two weeks 
v. This has been a problem for years. This should still be number one on our plan 
vi. This issue is number 1 on the district list. The money should be provided 
vii. Replace front doors when everything is fixed 
c. Carpet covering outlets
i. Not fixed but there is a work order for it. 
ii. Ask teachers to look for plugs with issues in their rooms 
d. Parking Lot
i. Kids crossing at east corner of parking lot—dangerous as cars are moving through the drop off lane
1. Have safety patrol kid help with that corner 

3. School Happenings
a. Went on secure status on Monday
i. Police came in before delivering a warrant to a someone who has a history of being violent. We appreciate the police being ahead of the issue. 
ii. Staff stayed calm, alert sound worried some kids. 
iii. Staff response was very good 
b. Had first drill using the Crisis go app November 1
i. Went well but need to practice and train a little more 
ii. Took longer than it should have 
c. Assemblies in December
i. Indian Hills Choir performing for fourth and fifth grader 
ii. Alta High Madrigals coming to perform for whole school 
iii. School Choir December 10 1. Evening for the parents 
iv. Dual immersion program – no date yet
1. There will be two programs 
v. Alta High musical Matilda November 19th 1-5 

d. Other items
i. Indian Hills text for absents and tardies for parent to text back. Is that something we could do? This would help parents and office staff 
ii. Follow up on signs for garbage on the playground
1. Kids can eat outside if they don’t finish their lunch. This made the playground really dirty again. Kids abused it so we had to stop that privilege. 
2. Signs for dog poop, etc. for student council to make 
3. Parent square message? 
4. Next Meeting January 10, 2025

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