800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

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Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

SCC Meeting Minutes 9.20.24

 Agenda Items 

1. Approve last meeting’s minutes a. Minutes from March 8, 2024 

b. Send by email to vote 

2. Review training experiences a. Don’t talk about specific people, but as a collective whole based on what is best for the school. 

b. Some things SCC will need to make a decision on and some things SCC works as more of an advisory role 

c. Review Bylaws i. Do that on our own terms 

ii. Set our meetings for the year 1. September 20, 2024 

2. October 11, 2024 

3. November 8, 2024 

4. January 10, 2025 

5. February 7, 2025 

6. March 14, 2025 

7. May 16, 2025 a. This is posted on the webpage i. Wendi will be taking over the website. Send SCC things to Wendi 1. Update members 

iii. Elect chair, vice chair, note taker 1. Nominate Mike Adams-Chair a. Nominated by Michelle Erb 

b. Second by Paul 

2. Nominate Michelle Erb- Vice Chair a. Julie Fielding nominate Michelle 

b. Katie Esplin second 

3. Nominate Katie Esplin -note taker a. Julie Fielding nominate 

b. Second Michelle Erb 

3. Review action items from last meeting a. Test scores 

4. Discuss Digital Citizenship a. Watch video if you haven’t 

b. Michelle Veazie is our Digital Citizenship coordinator i. She is sharing with SCC September 20, 2024 

ii. Training for Staff with be October 8, 2024 

iii. Training for parents 1. Monday Minute 

2. STEAM night 

iv. Digital Citizenship week October 14-16 1. Give at least three lessons a year for each kid a. Thrive time (6th lesson is digital citizenship) 

b. Library will be teaching digital citizenship this year as well 

c. Stickers will be going home with five main messages 

d. Lessons will be taught that week. 

e. Morning announcements 

2. SCC members a. Have you received enough information i. Yes 

b. Information about school’s plan i. yes 

c. Believe viable plan i. Yes 

3. We have been accepted as a Common Sense school 

5. School Happenings a. Safety Drills i. Volunteers that are unknown have to show id 

ii. Can’t check out child during emergencies or events 

iii. Roles assigned to be by our door that doesn’t close 

iv. Carpeted plugs are a concern 

b. Digital Device Policy i. Our policy is phones stay in backpacks all day and watches cannot be used for messaging during the school day. 1. If used incorrectly, you can ask them to put the watch or cell phone in their backpack the first time and message parents that you have done so. 

2. The second offense, send it to the office to keep until end of day when the student can pick it up, also messaging parents that it is the second offense. 

3. Third offense, send it to the office and principal calls the parent and come up with a plan to solve the concern. 

c. School goals- Altara received acknowledgement for third and fourth grade rise scores from Canyons Director of Assessment. 

i. Goals 1. ELA-80% making benchmark or typical or better growth ELA 

2. Math 80% will show grade level proficiency or typical or better growth 

3. 100% of teachers will implement morning meetings, utilize thrive time, focus on building relationships 

4. Landtrust a. 87,538—Planned land trust 

b. 84,810.84-Actual land trust 

5. TSSA Funds a. 110,500-Planned TSSA funds 

b. 121,429.31-Actual TSSA funds 

d. Safe walking routes i. Notice things in our neighborhoods to discuss for next month’s meeting 

e. School safety plan i. Due in November 

f. Acadience Data fall data i. Kindergarten at 68% reading and 68% in math 

ii. 1st grade 78% in reading and 64% proficient in math 

iii. 2nd grade 70% in reading and 64% in math 

iv. 3rd Grade 70% reading and 64% in math 

v. 4th Grade 77% reading and 55% in math 

vi. 5th Grade 72% reading and 76% math 

g. Attendance plan- Funding comes from average daily attendance the year before i. Opinions and ideas 1. Potato head to each classroom. When 100% are in each class an item is added. When he is full they get a set reward each time it gets full. 

2. Personal call from secretary when a certain amount of days are met a. Start with these two ideas? i. Yes 

6. Next Meeting a. October 11 

Present at the meeting…

SCC 9/20/2024

Mike AdamsX
Paul MayerX
Chelsea Osborne
Katie EsplinX
Kristin RomeroX
Cassie SmithX
Julie FieldingX
Michelle ErbX
Michelle PlattX
Sol RivasX

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org