Altara Elementary School: End of Year LAND Trust Summary Report
Altara Elementary School Community Council was pleased to be able to spend 57,400 of LAND Trust funds on Altara Kittyhawks for the 2019-20 school year.

Altara Elementary School Community Council was pleased to be able to spend $57,400 of LAND Trust funds on Altara Kittyhawks for the 2019-20 school year. It was determined that funds should be spend of reading, math, technology, and positive behavior supports. To increase reading achievement, students were identified as performing below benchmark on Acadience testing. Student identified received daily intervention support from the intervention assistants under the direction of the achievement coach. Most of the allocated School LAND Trust Funding, $40,000, was used to hire five assistants to provide reading interventions. $420 was spent on intervention books for use in 4th and 5th grade groups. A total of $6500 was spent on substitutes and teacher collaboration outside of regular school hours. This collaboration and professional development allowed teacher to improve their capacity in whole group and skill-based instruction in reading and math. Chromebooks were purchased for skill-based instruction, literacy practice stations, and testing for $8,000. Finally, $2,480 was spent on reinforcers for positive behavior and a supplemental aide to help students with positive behavior and focus. The Altara SCC sees our LANDTrust Plan resources as a crucial component of our student achievement.