800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Miss Fielding’s Monday Minute

Dear Parents,

I am excited to be part of the Altara Community!  It’s an amazing school.  I’m anxious to meet students and families in the coming week.


Every Monday I’ll be sending out an email communication to all of our school community.  It includes the happenings of our school, and important dates are listed at the end.  This Monday Minute will be saved on our school website each week, and you are welcome to read it there as well or refer back to it for dates and events.


In addition, we have a school Instagram account where we also post fun pictures of what’s happening in school and important reminders.  Find us there:  altaraelementary


Back to School Night

Our Back to School Night will be this Thursday, August 17th.  It will be Open House style from 4:30-6:00.  The teachers will be in their classrooms, and you can meet the principal in the library.  Our PTA will also be in the library and front hallway where you can become a member, sign up for volunteer opportunities, or sign up for choir (3rd-5th grades).


School Lunch & Breakfast 

All monies for school lunches ($2.00) and breakfasts ($1.00) are to be paid online. If you need help, please contact our front desk.  Please don’t send cash or checks as we can’t process it here at the school.


KEEP Testing

The state kindergarten assessment (KEEP) is conducted 3 times a year.  All kindergarten students sign up for a 30-minute time slot for a one-on-one appointment with their teacher at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.  All kindergarten students should sign up for an appointment for the assessment to be conducted.  A letter was sent earlier with instructions for how to sign up.  Sign-ups will be open until 4:00 on August 16th.   Assessment appointments will be held August 21st-23rd.


Drop Off

Our process for the drop-off lane at Altara is as follows:

  • Always continue to pull forward as far as the next car, or if you are the front car, there is a line on the far east end of this lane by the playground to aim for that is past the main crosswalk.
  • Once your car has stopped, your child(ren) should exit on the right side by the school so they are not by the traffic.
  • Your child can exit the car anywhere along this lane, even down by the kindergarten playground on the east end.  Just pull forward as far as possible before stopping.  It will work more efficiently if we have 10-12 cars pull forward, stop, and all students exit. Then a new line of cars can enter the drop off lane.
  • If your child can’t exit the car independently—meaning you need to get out of the car to help or get something out of the trunk—please park in the parking lot in order to give your child the support they need and not hold up the line.
  • If there is a hold up in the line somewhere, after your child has exited the car, you are welcome to move to the left lane, which is the drive through lane.  You can pass any cars that are stopped and waiting.  Do not use this drive through lane until your child has exited the car.
  • Please be Kind and Courteous to our students and adults who are helping to keep everyone safe.  It may take a few minutes for this process, so model patience and kindness as we get everyone dropped off and picked up in as short of time as possible.
  • If your child is coming for breakfast, the only entrance for students is the front door.   We are keeping the cafeteria doors locked at all times.  Breakfast begins at 8:00.


School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/

Instagram:  altaraelementary

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/


Upcoming Dates

August 16th—deadline for Kindergarten students to sign-up for an appointment time (Call the front office if you need help)

August 17th –-Back to School Night; 4:30-6:00

August 21st—First day of school for grades 1st-5th

August 21st-23rd—KEEP testing for kindergarten students

August 24th—First day of school for kindergarten students

August 25th—Emergency Fire Drill to practice our safety protocols

Sept. 4th—Labor Day holiday; no school

Sept. 13th—Picture Day

Sept. 19th—Vision Screening

Sept. 19th—Watch DOGS Orientation  6:00 pm

Sept. 15th-16th—Acadience Testing

Sept. 27th & 28th—Parent/Teacher Conferences

Sept 28th—Early out day; dismissal at 1:30

Sept. 29th—Compensatory Day; no school


Have a great day!

Julie Fielding, Principal

Altara Elementary


PTA News

We are so excited to be starting out a new year!  Our theme this year is “Born To Rock”!  Each student will be given a t-shirt this year – please follow the link below to fill out your child’s information:




PTA is always looking for more volunteers!  If you are interested in helping out at school activities, not just in the classroom, we would love to have you!


Parent Volunteer Signup


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org