800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Miss Fielding’s Monday Minute

Dear Families,
 We are very pleased to announce our 2024 Teacher of the Year:   Ana Vinuesa, our 5th grade Spanish and English teacher.  She is well-deserving of this honor!  Here are excerpts from some of her nominations:

  • Mrs. Vinuesa has gone to great efforts to make 5th grade a fun experience for my son.
  • Ana Vinuesa loves each of her students and genuinely cares about their future.
  • Ana has been such an incredibly dedicated teacher since she started working at Altara!
  • Mrs. Vinuesa has such a magical way with her students. She has worked so hard preparing them for middle school and teaching them how to be successful in everything they set out to do.
  • She’s versatile and teaches with her heart and soul.
  • She goes above and beyond, seeking out interesting opportunities for her students 
  •  I had the lucky opportunity of observing her teach earlier this year, and I was blown away with her classroom management, student participation, and positive classroom environment she has created.
  • Ana’s classroom environment is welcoming and warm while also rigorous. She holds high expectations for her students both academically and behaviorally.
  • She is so sweet and loving. I love her as my teacher. She pushes me to be my best. She makes sure my class does the right thing. I love her so much. My class loves her. She cares about my whole class and more.
  • The students have become a family who cheer for each other and help each other due to her mentoring. We love her and she deserves the honor of teacher of the year.
  • Ana is the best teacher I know.
  • Mrs. Vinuesa is a great example for teachers in the district for her flexibility, responsibility, hard work, perseverance and for believing in her students. Gracias Mrs. Vinuesa!

Congratulations to Senora Vinuesa!

Spirit Week

Our Student Council is sponsoring Spirit Week this week.  Today we are seeing lots of Kittyhawks with mustaches!  Tomorrow is Barbie and Ken day, Thursday is Color War (each grade has a specific color), and Friday is Disney Day.  Thanks for showing your school spirit!

Spring Break

Next week is Spring Break, so there will be no school.  We’ll see everyone back on April 8th!

PTA Fundraiser

We are gearing up for our annual fundraiser in April. Please be on the lookout for donation envelopes coming home next month. If you are interested in donating goods or services to the silent auction on April 26, please email Osborne.chelsea@gmail.com. Thank you!

 School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 
 Instagram:  altaraelementary
 Facebook: Altara Elementary School
 Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 
 Upcoming Dates

March 26-29—Spirit Week sponsored by our Student Council; Tuesday-Mustache Day; Wed.-Barbie and Ken Day; Thursday-Color War; Friday-Disney Day

April 1st-5th—Spring Break;  No School

April 15th—19th—Earth Week celebrations

April 18th—School Choir Program 7:00

April 19th—Kindergarten Orientation for students entering Kindergarten in August 2024; 2:00-3:00

April 26th—PTA Fundraiser Party; 5:00-7:00

April 29th-May 10th—RISE testing for grades 3rd-5th 
 Have a great day!
 Julie Fielding, Principal
 Altara Elementary

Fifth-Grade Students and Parents—Last meeting is tonight!  

2024 5th Grade Maturation Program Schedule

Butler Middle, 7530 S. 2700 East, Cottonwood Heights

Tuesday, March 26 — Boys Program, 6-6:45 p.m. 

Tuesday, March 26 — Girls Program, 7:15-8:15 p.m. 

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org