800 E. 11000 South, Sandy, UT, 84094

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge
Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Monday Minute – September 3, 2024

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your attention to the drop-off/pick-up procedures at Altara.  It is getting better every day.  In the afternoons, it only takes about 12-13 minutes for the line of cars to dissipate.  With 570 students, that’s not very long for dismissal.  We appreciate your patience and courtesy!   

Volunteer Opportunity:   Book Blitz Jr.
Last call for any parent volunteers to help with this program.  We won’t be able to offer it if we don’t have volunteer support.   Let me know if you are available and willing to help with this extended learning opportunity by replying to this email.

Book Blitz Jr. is an optional district-extended learning opportunity in which 4th -5th students work in teams to read and study a number of titles based on grade level over the course of several months. They will then participate in “Jeopardy-style” competitions to demonstrate their knowledge of the books.

Altara needs a facilitator/coach to organize and attend monthly meetings (and then weekly meetings as the competition gets closer). 

Choose Kindness 

We are on the lookout for any acts of kindness at Altara.  Here are some examples of kindness happening at our school these past couple of weeks.  We have the best students!

Dean Wittwer (Kindergarten)  Dean helped a friend clean up his snack by throwing away his garbage for him!

Grayson Garn (kindergarten)  Grayson is an amazing student and he helps others when they can’t find their supplies.  I appreciate how much he helps others!

Eli Allan (1st grade)  helping carry a classmate’s backpack when we switched classrooms!

Kaythan Bustillos (1st grade)  Kaythan uses great manners at school!  The lunch workers even remarked on how polite he was to them.  🙂 

Mae Hadson (2nd grade) Mae is kind and respectful to everyone!  She is also a great helper to her teachers!

Liam Brimhall (2nd grade) Liam is a great student.  He is kind to everyone.  He always talks kindly and has a hug for his teacher.

Ari Pixton (2nd grade)  Ari is constantly looking out for the people around her to comfort, console, and kindly redirect.

School Website:  https://altara.canyonsdistrict.org/ 

Instagram:  altaraelementary

Parent Volunteer application link:  https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/depts/external-relations/volunteer/ 

Upcoming Dates

Sept. 9th—Acadience Testing; K-2nd    

Sept. 10th—Camp Tracy Fieldtrip for grades 2nd-5th (note date correction)

Sept. 11th—Picture Day

Sept. 12th—Acadience Testing; 3rd-5th  

Sept 20th—Vision Screening

Sept. 20th—SCC Meeting; 2:00 in the conference room; all are welcome!

Sept. 23rd & 25th—Parent/Teacher Conferences (note it is a Monday and Wednesday this year)

Flu shot clinic at Altara the two evenings of conferences;  3:30-7:00

Sept 26th—Early out day; dismissal at 1:25

Sept. 27th—Compensatory Day; no school

Have a great day!  

Julie Fielding, Principal

Altara Elementary

PTA NewsReflections are back! Watch for a flyer coming home this week with more information. You can also visit 

https://www.utahpta.org/ref for more information. Entries are due November 1st. 

Being a room parent is a wonderful way to get involved in your child’s classroom and make a difference. The role includes planning class parties (usually three per year), helping with teacher appreciation, and helping with end-of-year activities.

We are still in need of room parent(s) for Mrs. Veazies 2nd grade class. If you are interested in helping out, please reach out to Jessica Fullmer at  fullmer.jessica@gmail.com

The PTA is hosting a Room Parent Tea on September 5th at 3:20pm, where you will learn more about the role and meet with your teacher to come up with a plan for the year. 

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org